One thing I'll have to say, if the Dems get control off the House by only a few seats, it won't be the same as the GOP mess. Unlike Republicans, I think the Dems will stick together and get stuff done. Sure, some won't be happy, but it won't be the mess created like the Freedom Caucus makes. They'll also walk those bills over to the Senate, unlike what Johnson was doing. Now, whether it passes in a possible GOP controlled Senate, who knows? But it won't be kaos like in this past Congress.

Let me speak for many of us here, Jamie. Thank you for all you've been doing. Your newsletters have been invaluable to so many of us. You've worked so incredibly hard over the last year+ or so. And I have a feeling, your work for this election is just beginning to some degree. Be sure to post that link again to buy you a "coffee." You deserve (and probably need at this point) something stronger and we all need to help you.

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Thanks Ken! The 'coffee' link is at the bottom of each day's newsletter.

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Duh. I'm so blind! Done! And enjoy

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And with election season winding down Jamie is in his best element. He's a political analogue to media voices describing the closing minutes of a World Series game.

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Last night I had dinner with a successful businesswoman visiting from Texas. As the entrees arrived, the conversation inevitably turned to the election. I learned she is NOT a Ted Cruz fan. But I had no idea about her political affiliation. She self-described as a “fiscal conservative.” So I just asked, “How are you feeling about the state of things?” She told me she and her husband both voted for Trump in the previous two elections but opted to sit this one out. I asked, “What presented a barrier to you this time?” She’s an immigrant. She specifically mentioned the MSG rally and the response to it from friends. And then unexpectedly, she began talking about her pregnancies (she has two children) and mentioned the pregnant Texas teen who died from sepsis after being denied treatment during a miscarriage. “She died because Roe was overturned,” she told me. “He did that.”

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Nov 5
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Encounters with those who resist supporting Harris are tough because they cannot imagine the very real possibility that Donald Trump is the front of a package. I concluded some time ago that he is mainly the current figure of Project 25 which was around before he appeared on the scene. If he vanishes the Project continues.

Take a look at four or five minutes of Heather Cox Richardson's pep talk last night starting at about the 32-minute mark.

The election is about much more than the public can ingest.


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Nov 5
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Nov 5
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Ah, a kindred spirit. I agree that Trump is not essential to the larger aims.

You might appreciate this link I just came across.


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Isn’t it funny how at one recent rally, he bragged about how great his meme stock is, how he made billions in the last week… but he STILL sends texts and emails every hour, begging for money from his obviously dirt poor cultists.

What happened to, “I’m really rich, I’ll never ask for your money”?

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I look forward to any Jamie gems that I read here and don't see covered anywhere else. Thank you Jamie for your solid reporting!

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For those who have not voted yet, please get out and VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE rather than for who someone is telling you to vote for. The ballot is secret. Nobody can know how you really voted.

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Most of the time, yes. (This was from either 2020 or 2016)


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Optimistic here in Florida

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Me too! I’ve seen more Harris/Walz signs than Trump/Vance. We did just elect our first female mayor last year and she endorsed Harris this weekend too (though our sheriff unsurprisingly endorsed Trump 😑)

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Of all the things I’ll miss about this election, I think I’ll miss the texts and emails from Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) most of all.

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Here's something I've been thinking about...do you think who wins the House or presidency will determine what the House does with the budget in December?

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What happens for President will certainly determine what comes next. If Trump wins, look for the GOP to punt that into next year - unless they don't control the House (?)

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If Harris wins & the GOP retains the House...do you think they'll put it into next year for her to inherit a 'mess'?

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Jamie, after the counts are finished will you be taking some time off?

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No, Congress is back next week!

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Then I'll go buy you a drink because you'll need it

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