Encounters with those who resist supporting Harris are tough because they cannot imagine the very real possibility that Donald Trump is the front of a package. I concluded some time ago that he is mainly the current figure of Project 25 which was around before he appeared on the scene. If he vanishes the Project continues.
Take a look at four or five minutes of Heather Cox Richardson's pep talk last night starting at about the 32-minute mark.
The election is about much more than the public can ingest.
Encounters with those who resist supporting Harris are tough because they cannot imagine the very real possibility that Donald Trump is the front of a package. I concluded some time ago that he is mainly the current figure of Project 25 which was around before he appeared on the scene. If he vanishes the Project continues.
Take a look at four or five minutes of Heather Cox Richardson's pep talk last night starting at about the 32-minute mark.
The election is about much more than the public can ingest.
Ah, a kindred spirit. I agree that Trump is not essential to the larger aims.
You might appreciate this link I just came across.