The GQP doesn’t respect election results when they lose, the right wing media is extorting members, the entire Republican Party are cowards, and the best argument Gym has is that “we need a speaker, it may as well be me”, even though he’s a bomb thrower, and insurrectionist, a rape enabler, and he begged for a pardon from Inmate #PO1135809.

Pure filth.

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I’m not sure I yet have the intestinal fortitude to contemplate the reality of a Jim Jordan speakership. And it sounds like he’s also giving away the store in order to secure votes from hold outs. So he either screws them over once he ascends to power or he will be forced to govern through compromise if he wants to accomplish anything. Going from bomb thrower to legislator could be a fascinating transformation to observe.

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Is the Speaker election going to be another GOP shit show? How many ballots will it take this time?

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Of all the people in the House, Jordan, Jesus Christ. May as well make Santos the Speaker...smh

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Is it possible for GOP members to defect from their current party and start up a brand new party (Repubs Reboot 2.0 Party, Snacilbuper Party? ) claiming they are in clear and present danger AND being held hostage by radicals that have infiltrated their party that they can no longer be associated with? I mean, how bad could it be to turn your back on reality TV star wannabes and take a stand for justice honor and decency on behalf of the American people you serve?

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