The House is soon going to be in 2025 budget territory. They might as well make a carbon copy of what they finally pass and make it the following year's budget, too. 🙄
I, for one, am looking forward to speaker Hakeem Jeffries after the next election. He seems to have his act together.
The House is soon going to be in 2025 budget territory. They might as well make a carbon copy of what they finally pass and make it the following year's budget, too. 🙄
I, for one, am looking forward to speaker Hakeem Jeffries after the next election. He seems to have his act together.
The House is soon going to be in 2025 budget territory. They might as well make a carbon copy of what they finally pass and make it the following year's budget, too. 🙄
I, for one, am looking forward to speaker Hakeem Jeffries after the next election. He seems to have his act together.