Wow! This has to be tedious work. How many hours have you put in so far watching these tapes? Are there any other reporters doing it? It will be interesting to see the reaction to this.

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Amazing that YOU could find this when nobody else has. This should surely put you in line for the Edward R Murrow award. :-) Nice work!

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Forget the hush money and the classified docs... The fake elector scheme and the call to GA's SOS should land them all in jail. It's plainly a coup attempt. Thanks so much, Jamie, for getting this scoop. You da man!

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How the Coup the dems just pulled off getting Joe to “voluntarily “ step aside? He agreed to do so for fear of the 25th amendment being used against him then he supported Kammie to spite Obama. That’s why it took a week for him and Michelle my Belle to come out in support of the woman barrack said couldn’t win.

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You sound weird and deranged like trump and Shady Vance.

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Good for you! You picked up that that’s the phrase they told you use .

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Hahaha the cult gets told what to say think feel

Do and believe. So you have zero credibility.

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I find it interesting that the people who think that it’s ok and “normal “ for a guy who decides he’s a woman and shower with real girls in high school can only come up with “weird” to to try to smear a marine who became a senator and a vice presidential candidate. Look at his record and compare it to Kammie’s record, even her position as the point person for the border crisis which you folks seem to want to deny. Live in your alternate universe, pay twice as much for a gallon of gas as you did 4 years ago or buy an electric car and sit at those thousands of charging stations that never got built, and tell yourself yep I’m far better off now.

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Ah you are so hopelessly disillusioned. Nobody is trying to smear JD Vance. The best strategy is exactly what they're doing - keep their mouths shut and let JD bury himself, which he's doing on a daily basis. Let him keep talking about childless mothers and crazy cat ladies. Then he goes on the Sunday shows to clean it up and makes it worse. Now 45 is trying to defend him and tripping all over himself ("I'm sure they (women) understand it"). Its like I got a free show ticket! You want to see some REAL entertainment? Listen to Trey Gowdy introduce him before their interview. When you gotta go on for 5 minutes to distance yourself from the guy before you even get to "good morning", you are TRULY screwed.

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Awe struggling to be human eh? It’s a cult thing. Weird

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Can't even spell Harris' name? And Barrack's wife is a man now? I'd spit in your face if I wasn't laughing so hard. What a fucking weirdo. Were you bullied in highschool?

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Who said anything about Michelle being a man? Learn some reading comprehension skills.

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Always interesting to see what latest conspiracy theory is making the rounds in the Tin Foil Hat Brigade. Thanks for keeping us Normies up-to-date on your fever dreams.

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Call a cop.

Then learn what a convention delegate is.

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Thanks for not trying to deny the 1/6 coup attempt. You're obviously a partisan of the GOP, but at least you can see what was done by the DJT administration.

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Now now Elon go back to your X

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Oh look another weird cult member. Putting his nose in others business. My guess is you have a lot to deal with on the clown side of things right now and Vance is about to go through some things.

Buckling up. Biden did an amazing thing. T he orange stain should too unless you want to lose it all. All of it is going down. Trump will plan another false Flag soon.

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Go away weirdo! You're creeping people out!

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Wow - impressive find Jamie. Thank you for putting in the time and effort to bring this into the open.

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My goodness. I hope this gets the credence it deserves. Thank you for all your hard work

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Jamie, this plus the Clyde slavery statue news makes your reporting have true national importance. Thank you for your attention to detail. Would love it if you got a comment from Cheney on finding this. I would bet it's because you know what these people look like because you're in the halls most days.

Thank you!

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This is some top tier investigative work, Jamie. Kudos to finding and reporting it. Do you have any plans to share this on a wider scale?

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Thanks Chris. It is open to anyone who wants to see it. I've been touting it on social media as well. The url is https://jamiedupree.substack.com/p/video-surprise-capitol-security-tapes

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Who had Jamie Dupree in the basement with the tapes in their CLUE cards? ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Thank you for staying on this story! Great scoop.

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BTW, is that worth your 8 bucks a month or what? :)

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Thank you Jamie.

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What a find. The more people dig, the more we find.

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Impressive reporting. Back in the day, the Washington Post would have done this kind of investigation, but now it's independent journalism.

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Thanks. Unfortunately, almost none of my colleagues from Capitol Hill - or from any major news organizations - have spent any time viewing the tapes, let alone going to see them multiple times. There are stories to be told in there, but no one has focused their energies on them. It's disappointing to say the least, because the coup was on video, and you shouldn't look away.

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Obviously, it takes a lot of time, but the Post should certainly have the resources to fund that kind of effort. It's embarrassing that none of the major news organizations are looking into those tapes.

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Thanks Jamie for reminding us how close we came to having our democracy stolen by evil men of bad intent! Freedom of the press helps preserve freedom of the people.

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Impressive, Jamie. This is a biggie!

Press release?

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Prison cells, please. For all of them.

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