Jamie, I been saying this for a while I didn’t leave the Republican Party. It left me. I don't think Ronald Reagan could get elected today... I became an registered independent after the masses started blindly following Trump. I don't the think Republican Party will ever be the same again.

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It's so odd, Scott, because Reagan was so popular. And not only that, but he aggravated Democrats in a way that no one else did.

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I know it is so strange now.. I truly don't understand the Republican Party. It seems it doesn't have a platform nor direction, only ruled by conspiracy theories. Which is good for the democrats' they get what they want or the make the republicans' look bad, either way it is good for them.

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"Mr. Trump was crushed by a woman he previously dismissed as ‘dumb as a rock,’” Rove wrote. "What does that make him?" - Lichens that grow on rock faces in the genus Xanthoria are easily recognized by their bright orange or yellow coloration.

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There are mornings when the news has become so nuts it’s a relief to read this newsletter and see I’m not the only one feeling that way. Case in point: the cats and dogs stuff. Those kooky clips from debate have now run nonstop every where for two days. As you point out, folks have created thousands of memes mocking him. And so of course, his reaction is to double down. Late last night on his official socials an AI photo of him cuddling a kitten and a duck appeared. If my uncle was acting this way, he’d be receiving treatment. But when it’s Donald Trump, a man who could well win a second presidential term, this behavior is being normalized. Just think about the reaction if Biden were acting in this manner. More importantly, why are the rules different for Trump?

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Every time I watch the clip of the exchange about the pets being eaten, I am more and more astounded at how pathetic he sounds. When he says "but I've seen people on television" I just shake my head.

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He sounded like Chance the savant gardener from “Being There”.

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I think Kamala Harris manipulated Trump once again into saying no to another debate. It makes him look meek and scared.

Harris showed dominance over Trump in the debate and that is what the 68 million who watched will remember. No need to do it again.

Why should she waste her time on another debate when she can use the time getting herself and her platform better known via the campaign trail.

While Trump sits in his basement and sends messages about eating cats.

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Trump is now a persuasive advertisement to elect Kamala Harris.

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just read a couple of cnn articles and they seem to have the same line of thinking

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You don't have to be smarter than a fifth grader to answer this quiz:

1. Liz Cheney

2. Alberto Gonzales

3. Donald Trump

4. Karl Rove

5. Dick Cheney

Which one is a RINO?

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Question: USSS are obviously critical and wouldn't be furloughed in a shutdown. Are there any workers you can think of that are also critical for POTUS elections that would be furloughed? That would build a case for fraud if they weren't on the job? I feel like the GOP is always playing the long game, and so I'm very suspicious that they want some office closed down that is important for a seemingly minor reason that is actually legally enormous.

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re: threat of the shutdown.

I don't think, given the history of J6 and the rhetoric spewed by Republicans like Vance lately, that it is beyond belief that Trump is planning another coup, and therefore wants to have as much of the Federal government out on furlough.

Remember, they carefully positioned their guys over at Pentagon and National Guard to block immediate mobilization of those resources on J6.

And Republicans in the Congress are all in, perhaps even more than they were in 2020.

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To not recognize that republicans are against everything actual Americans love is to be deaf & blind. And stupid.

Voting for trump is wrong. But when you love your racism more than you love your county, you support him, no matter what.

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Has anyone noticed that not once, NOT EVEN ONE TIME, did any racist piece of crap liar ever mention that anyone was eating dogs?

But that’s how that convict started off his debate insanity.


That’s what he said.

At the time, there was one black American woman who had eaten a cat, a mentally unstable woman who had nothing to do with Haitians in Springfield.

And a photo of a black American man holding some geese that were shown to be road kill… also not in Springfield, and perfectly legal.

But that was enough for these asshole racist republicans who keep pushing a lie because their fuhrer told them a lie and fuhrer is never wrong.

God damn these monsters.


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