Thanks Jamie for actually printing what Pop Pop said. When I hear Trump speak I usually think surely he did not just say that. I did not hear it right. Nope it is him not me. What is even sadder is some of my Trumpy relatives sound just like him. Then I think how can people far more educated and probably smarter listen to this and say yep he's our guy!! When he gets going he sounds like he needs a straight jacket.

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Yes, that was a good catch. Even before I got to this morning's newsletter I noted both Nick Kristoff and Heather Cox Richardson had linked that word salad.

[Edit] My mistake -- somehow I mixed up Jeff Jarvis with Nick Kristoff. Jarvis was who mentioned the now famous word salad, brought to *his* attention by a Daily Beast writer.


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If the chief MAGAt were elegant we could refer to his word salad as salad Nicoise or salad Caprese, but he’s just a run of the mill freak show, so his word salad is an enormous run-on sentence of gobbledygook. And yet, he has some followers who are ostensibly intelligent?

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Heather Cox Richardson just linked this column by Michael Hiltzik with the word "Important" and she's right. (I was expecting a paywall but didn't encounter one.) That word salad contained a couple of sinister plans to couple child-care costs with Social Security.


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About that former Trump campaign adviser Dimitri Simes…. The feds allege that Simes - who does work for Russian state TV - laundered money from the Kremlin by having his wife buy art and antiques. "They remain at large and are believed to be in Russia," the Justice Department said.

How many of the convict’s campaign advisors have been arrested, found to be working for oligarch, or are just pure criminals?

How many candidates could still have any party support when this happens all the time?

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“Trump will hold a news conference at 12 noon today in New York”

Cool! It’s the one he promised six weeks ago about the Florida abortion ballot initiative, right? Man, I’ve been waiting so patiently for that. He said he’d vote for it, then against it… who knows what it will be today?

I’m sure he won’t flip flop on this subject.

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I didn't pay attention to the emails in 2016, so the point about RT being first each day is new information.

Great newsletter today, as always.

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