It was interesting to see how MSNBC handled Trump’s live victory speech. When he began lying, they cut away from it and Maddow explained to viewers why they cut away and what specifically the candidate was lying about. Later, they tossed it back to their correspondent in the room to nutshell the speech for viewers, including 45’s veiled public threats to his opponent. Journalistically speaking, it was highly effective.

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I think that's a decent approach. The problem is that Trump has so many of those on a regular basis. It's just a question of what you want to pick as a reporter. And you are so overwhelmed by the falsehoods that it becomes difficult to keep track of them.

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Exactly. And like a cancer, it has now spread. A prime example for me was Vivek Ramaswamy's blatant lies/pushing conspiracy theories during the debates.

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I've left the GOP and won't be headed back any time soon so long as it behaves the way it is now

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It's amazing to read about Trump complaining someone who lost got on a stage and claimed victory. Oh the irony. And that mob boss stuff is wild.

I wouldn't mind a switch to all Trump in the race. Let's see reporters ask Graham and McConnell about Trump's likely abandoning of Ukraine.

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Trump has no message discipline, and never has. Last night was the perfect time for him to ignore Haley's speech and just talk about his win in New Hampshire. But he can't do that.

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Is Haley the girl on the tracks warning GOP train the bridge is out?

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"The number one issue now for the American people is our border," said Sen. John Thune (R-SD). "It surpassed even inflation as the issue people care most about."

Um, no. But thanks.

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"Vito, you're blocking": Enjoyed the Larraine Newman shout-out in today's Regular Order. Always a pleasure to read the headings and know the reference.

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Very impressive. Not many people would pick up that one. It's an all-time great Saturday Night Live skit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPPG0UauHDo

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You keep running for the nomination you know you're going to lose in order to keep policies important to you in the forefront. What policy differences are there between Trump and Haley? Looks like Haley would be more likely to provide military assistance (I'm talking equipment) sooner and to more places than Trump. Trump seems more likely to take executive action at the border. That's just two differences. But I'm not even sure how much different they would actually be. Neither seems to talk about policy much. Haley keeps saying she is more electable while Trump says she's a loser.

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So all the White Men and at least one Black Man declare this ‘race’ is over

PS. A similar declaration by White Men and one Black Man declared that ‘racism’ was over in 2013...

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