While $80,000 in SALT is a high amount, $10,000 is way too low in the North East. I payed approximately $20,000 in past years which saved me about $1,000 on my federal taxes. The standard deduction is $16000 for a couple, by being able to be duct my SALT Instead of my SD I saved about 28% of the $4,000 difference, or about $20 a week in federal tax. Not a huge amount but nice to have for a family. The extreme ($80,000) rarely show the whole picture.

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The conclusion to draw is the same it was through the entirety of the Trump Administration - Mr. Trump is a criminal and surrouds himself with criminals. These people are hell bent on destroying democracy.

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The conclusion I draw from Trump and his people telling the J6 panel to pound sand is that future investigations by the GOP of some Democrat bad behavior will be met with the same response.

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Seems to me this is SOP. Delay, deflect and not cooperate are essential tools in a lawyers repertoire.

Do have a question though. The National Archives. Do we, as the public, have access to the documents there or do we need permission to read about what those who rule us do?

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