Loved this observation. Thank you, Mr. Dupree, for the stellar reporting this week. We are in your debt:

It was much the same set up in the Georgia World Congress Center at my first convention in Atlanta in 1988. Back then, we all chuckled at a radio guy who put his suit jacket over his head to record his stories, hoping to get a better sound. 36 years later, what did I see this week? Someone recording their audio track with a jacket pulled over their head. Some things don't change.

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I'll also say Richard that was the hottest week of my life

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It's a little stunning to consider everything you've been tasked with covering in just the last six days -- an attempted assassination of a former president and current candidate, the daily grind of a political convention, all while the other political party is doing a full court press on their candidate (who was diagnosed with Covid) to withdrawal from the race. I just wish Substack would add a "Buy Jamie Four Fingers of Bourbon" option. You've earned that and more.

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Can’t believe they haven’t borrowed the “Cone of Silence” technology yet.

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I got yelled at by someone doing a podcast, for chatting. They obviously weren't meant for radio where you hear no one while doing your reports

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Jamie, I just heard your voice on the radio.

The AJC's "Politically Georgia" podcast aired your remarks about the conspicuous absence of the word "abortion" during all the hours of air time over the last few days. That's a keen observation that should be hammered home repeatedly any time journalists and reporters have a chance. And to that end your quote was the preface for the next few minutes of their Q&A with GA GOP chairman Josh McKoon.

Your voice comes at the fifteen-minute mark.


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Your history note about the time leading up to the Prohibition era (1918-1921) is another reminder that America sometimes takes years to learn lessons. Isolationism and space technology come to mind (World wars and Sputnik).

Prohibition made bootlegging profitable, of course, which led to a need for both state and national government controls. (ATF, etc.)

Something tells me America is currently experiencing another chapter of "learning the hard way" that democracy and authoritarianism BOTH require effective oversight and control under the Rule of Law.

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They’ve gone full Idiocracy and Jonestown, and they won’t draw a single new voter from 2020.

I bet everything I have that there are more decent humans in America than there are filthy magats.

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From out here in the cheap seats I getr the feeling Biden will not be the nominee. Something has turned since the Schummer statement and the COVID diagnosis.

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Sure, the Hulk Hogan gimmick plays well to the base who was going to vote for Trump to begin with but the 'burb swing voters I associate with will be turned off.

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I think GOP wants Biden to resign because they think it will tank the stock market temporarily and give them more ground on economy.

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That’s why they’re known (happily and proudly) as the poorly educated.

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