Holy Shit.

"Do not give that to him," Hodgson shot back.

And yet, he had it. Lock Johnson up!

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Absolutely! Johnson needs to be charged in this scheme.

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Oh. My. HOW does this get to be general knowledge??? It needs to be. How in the world did we get to the place where what amounts to treason, imo, is covered up???

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This is some stunning minute-by-minute reporting. Great work, Mr. Dupree. I hope it gains traction with other news outlets.

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Incredible journalism! Are you publishing somewhere else?

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It's only right here, but feel free to spread it far and wide

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Is this story "open" for all to see or behind your paywall? I'll definitely repost it...if it can be seen.

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It's open to all

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It is incredible that this kind of thing can happen and then, as even witnessed in this thread, people can be so far indoctrinated that they justify it, as well as justifying an open attack on the US Capitol. What goes through my mind as I see what you’ve shown here is the level of coordination. It makes me wonder if there was communication between the Trump team and the leaders of the far right groups that participated in the assault on the Capitol. Perhaps this was all coordinated. An attack as a distraction to get Pence the fake electors? Make a switch while eyes are elsewhere?

Thanks for the reporting!

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Are you going to post the videos with Jamie 3.0 voice over to You Tube?

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Jamie, assuming Harris is able to take the Electoral College, do you think DOJ will finally take steps to prosecute the other members of Congress, including Johnson, and others (Bannon, T. Stone, etc.) who were complicit with the effort?

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Probably not. Unless they have evidence which puts them in the middle of the effort.

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Wow! This is great investigative journalism! Thank you!

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Good work!

I can't imagine how many hours of viewing security tapes it took to uncover these gems.

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Jamie! You are The Man! Thank you.

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I appreciate your diligence.

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This was probably the only time that GOP staffers voluntarily wore masks.

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Wow. I hope, with all this video surveillance, it will help deter something like this from happening again. But given MAGA and Trump, I doubt it.

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Excellent Reporting. Thank you.

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Thanks, Jaime. Now we understand the scheme to overthrow the gov’t. Guns? No. Support of military? No. Paperwork? Hell, yes! This after specifically asking the military to do anything they need to do to make J6 a safe event.

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The fake elector scheme is just as insidious as the violence on Jan. 6. It was an effort to illegally keep Trump in power after he lost an election. You might not support VP Harris doing that in a couple of months to ensure her election.

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Your presumption is that there was no fraud associated with the election. It’s true none had been legally affirmed as of that time and nothing found since would have changed the outcome has been proven even today, as far as I know. Irregularities did exist (more stories continue coming out). The fact states are tightening up the voting process is strong evidence vulnerabilities existed. They still do. Our election process remains unauditable.

Is it not true Trump received legal advice that alternate electors were required if results were to be legally challenged? If, so, does this not change his culpability for an “illegal” fake electors scheme?

You will receive no disagreement from me about some J6 protestors going too far. The catalyst for the violence is another question. But, underlying it all, the Trump supporters were overwhelmingly there to support Congress delaying certification only - not behave violently.

The violence was allowed to escalate because the optics looked bad for the military and Pelosi denied the security Trump requested. You have transcripts and a recording confirming this truth. Every news story on the matter should include this information and Trump’s further instructions to his supporters on that day to protest peacefully, then, later, at the urging of Don, Jr, instructing them on YouTube to go home.

That DJT left office peacefully exactly when he was supposed to destroys any argument Trump is a threat to democracy. Republicans would be the first to oppose a dictator. Nor would this fit with anything we know about Trump or how he would want to be remembered.

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Hey Rick. You're just wrong. Trump lost. He was desperately trying to stay in power. It was an illegal scheme.

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I agree he lost. Whether or not there was election interference is without question, there was. Whether or not there was enough fraud to change the results appears to be unknowable. Asserting he was trying to stay in power illegally is mind-reading.

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It's not that hard to read Donald Trump's mind, Rick.

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That’s true. He tells you what he thinks. It’s those with TDS that imagine what he thinks or take him literally when he’s clearly just being provocative or sarcastic. There’s a way through it. But people with TDS have to do it on their own. For some, it starts with learning how the media concocted hoaxes are made. To test for TDS, go to AmericanDebunk.com and look into any hoaxes you thought were true. Takes courage to do it though.

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There are no more “irregularities coming out.”

It’s the same warmed over rehash.

The reason states continue to “tighten up” voter requirements isn’t to improve security, it’s to prevent or obstruct voters. The game plan for Trump now isn’t to win, it’s to make it close enough that they can run the “Green Bay Packer sweep” again with a different outcome.

Oh yeah, and Pelosi was not in charge of security. That’s just another rehash of the original lie.

As Jamie says, Trump lost - period. All after that, including his denials four years later are merely the Big (original) Lie.

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I’ll stand corrected on Pelosi’s denial. I should have said she took responsibility for not making sure the NG was there. But more than that, you have the transcript of Trump’s request of Milley. Why doesn’t that influence what you think Trump’s mindset was about anything? Lastly, in response to Trump’s words and actions after the election, if we are to try reading his mind, as Jaime seems to be doing, what is the percentage of likelihood Trump was trying to preserve the integrity of the election process? Better than zero?

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“ she took responsibility for not making sure the NG was there”

Nope. She was talking about the capital police… she had no authority over the National Guard.

And it’s questionable as to what authority she has over the Capital Police.

Does that make you understand how much you’ve been lied to?

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Okay, Capitol Police. Feel better?

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Pelosi took responsibility for what? Oh yeah, more MAGA spin.

Trumps request was to “protect the protestors.”

From what?

In fact, most of the protestors expected Trump to invoke martial law, as suggested by disgraced (pardoned) felon, Michael Flynn.

The presence of troops would likely have emboldened the insurrectionist.

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"Irregularities did exist (more stories continue coming out)." Right, I think the Heritage Foundation found eight or ten instances of voter fraud! That's across the entire nation.

"The fact states are tightening up the voting process is strong evidence vulnerabilities existed." No, the fact that states are tightening up the voting process is strong evidence of too many Trumpers demanding that their legislatures fix problems that never existed, and of course the legislatures are falling all over themselves to please their master, The Donald.

"Nor would this fit with anything we know about Trump or how he would want to be remembered." Now who's mind-reading?

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The fact that red state legislatures have enacted further voter suppression legislation is not evidence that elections are not secure. It is simply continued evidence that the minority party must do every single thing possible to reduce turnout. The rhetoric that elections are insecure is to justify the extremely anti-democratic legislative acts that infringe on everyone’s rights, but most directly those of persons with less means and therefore more likely to support democracy instead of authoritarian minority rule; aka Democrat voters.

El Cheeto lost. Bigly. And tried to overturn the results of a free and fair election. You clowns attempting to whitewash and justify are merely demonstrating that you are the core of the problem because you are willing to accept criminality in your leadership in exchange for making you feel superior to people who make you uncomfortable.

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