
You know, I was going to write that, and then I figured that someone would complain. But maybe he got to the Senate and realized what a bad scene it is. The backup title for my book has always been, 'Alcohol is a Depressant, But So Is The Senate."

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That's sort of my thought too. A missile that costs several hundred thousand dollars taking out a ham radio project that probably cost $50 max. I can't make this stuff up.

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Wow. 192 pages of hard evidence that fox knew they were lying, and allowing insane partisan right wing terrorists to lie on their network.

What will be their punishment? Money? Jail? Deny their license to peddle treason?

Probably not, because it will go all the way to illegitimate SCOTUS.

It really is the end of America.


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Another post, chock full of terrible, illegal, indecent things the republicans do, but what’s the deal with trump claiming full exoneration from the Georgia Grand Jury?

That’s not my takeaway, and he is of course the worlds biggest and dumbest and most obvious liar, but… I haven’t seen anyone correcting him.


And speaking of liars, what happened to all those bills about inflation, the cost of gas, immigration, videos from J6… all those things those traitors campaigned on?

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It doesn’t matter what fixnews says or does, the right wingers will always believe them.

Even if you have sworn depositions FROM THEM saying that they are liars, it doesn’t matter. It’s hard to understand how sick that is, how sad, how un-American.

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If I was in the present Congress I'd be clinically depressed too.

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So the US shot down what might be an "oversized mylar balloon?" Maybe that's why they missed that one using a missile!

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