It speaks volumes about the current state of the GOP when the House Speaker has to lecture his members about being publicly racist in regard to a presidential candidate.

Also, one of the best things about The Muse of History: we get a daily glimpse into how things have changed — or not in Washington. It’s tough to picture any of what happened in 1974 happening now. No matter which side of the aisle you’re on, that should make you sad and upset.

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And threatening to arrest members who speak out… sure that’s normal.

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You usually tell us “these are not normal times.” As proof a sitting Senator has been convicted of taking bribes and has resigned from the Senate. This is the 4th story in your newsletter, not the lead. I shall quote my friend “These are not normal times.”

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Dave, you are so correct. All day, I kept saying that Menendez was the top story. But it wasn't!

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Kamala Harris




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Those things are now bad things, because the gop has reached full idiocracy.

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First it was Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) calling Harris a 'DEI hire.' - My House rep. An unqualified jackass who hasn't had a job a day in his life.

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Since the Israeli Prime Minister is in the news, we need to notice that a number of people from Israel have come to Washington to demonstrate Israeli opposition to this man. Yesterday's dramatic non-violent direct action in the capitol has been in the news.

I learned on the radio this morning that they were sponsored by Breaking the Silence, a group in Israel that has been documenting IDF abuse of Palestinians for years. I first learned of this group in 2007 and have kept up with their work from time to time ever since.

Founded in March 2004 by a group of soldiers who served in Hebron, Breaking the Silence has since acquired a special standing in the eyes of the Israeli public and in the media because of its unique role in giving voice to the experience of soldiers. To date, the organization has collected testimonies from more than 1,400 soldiers who represent all strata of Israeli society and cover nearly all units that operate in the territories.


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The jabbering about diversity, equity and inclusion gets on my nerves. I will be glad when the subject vanishes from arguments (as I feel sure it will). Meantime I came across this little clip of Gerald Ford, our only president not elected either president or VP in a national election. His expectations were somewhat off, but he predicted the first woman president.


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Jaime, how often has the Congress passed a resolution denouncing an incumbent (or incumbent VP)?

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Ha. Sure, this GOP will get the budget bills done on time. They have more important things to do, like impeaching Harris for nothing and wiping the convict’s butt. Priorities!

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Walz is underrated as a communicator. He has a tremendous record of accomplishments too.

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Jamie, I asked a couple historian accounts but my question got lost on their comment sections.

Can you ask your Georgetown connection to confirm that no POTUS has been elected who was the child of TWO not-born-US-citizen parents who were not born on present-day USA soil? I suspect Kamala Harris would be the first. Curious if I've missed someone.

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