Thank you, Jamie, for working overtime. Lots of great stuff in there.

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Hopefully there won't be a need for a Sunday edition....but you never know what happens today

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When Trump loses, and I truly believe in my heart that he will, will we ever really "know" what it was that pushed people to vote for Harris? The Puerto Rico joke? Women abandoning the GOP? Men not turning out to vote? The Liz Cheney comment? Roe v Wade's repeal? The list is almost endless. And we'll hear what caused it for months and months afterwards. Personally, I don't think it will ever be one clear thing, just a bunch of things that affected some people differently that will make it all happen.

(Not that I was EVER a Trump supporter, but he lost me totally in his first campaign making fun of that disabled reporter on stage. I knew he was scum after that incident. Remember, that was before the Entertainment Tonight audio on the bus was released.)

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What's interesting about your list there is that those can be used by Republican voters to say, well Trump just got one thing wrong, we were right about everything else

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The big question will be how the Republicans react to the negative election results (hopefully).

I’m hoping they turn away from Trump and run towards more traditional values that look to elevate people and try to be better instead of aspiring to be shallow folks who don’t try to be better (a master carpenter/plumber/electrician…).

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Thanks for all the reports Jamie during the worst campaign in my lifetime. I hope after Tuesday we can all put this behind us and be united again. I recently had a conversation with a friend and we agreed we are on opposite sites but both of us are so tired all the hatefulness.

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I literally had to ask last night “When was the MSG rally again?” It feels like a month ago now. Thanks for the coverage of Johnson/CHIPS quote. I hadn’t seen any other reporting on that.

In terms of closing messages, Trump has provided voters with a week’s worth of reasons to choose Harris. When your actions leave Jon Karl at a loss for words on air, a guy who has covered Trump forever, you know you’re not closing your presidential campaign well.

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I ran into Jon a few weeks ago in the Capitol. We were both at a loss for words

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Between Johnson’s cuts and Musk eliminating 2 trillion in spending the GOP looks to only be spending money on the military. (And rockets)

To get ahead of the conspiracy theories a Syracuse student asked the speaker the question, Syracuse the home of the Maxwell School of Citizenship (a known school of the Deep State) Joe Biden is a Graduate of Syracuse Law and we all know nothing rhymes with Orange. With all that evidence how could anyone doubt the speaker was set up.

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The Syracuse kid reminds reporters that just asking the question is half the battle

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The right wing was always unappealing to me, but I was voting 3rd party until the first Trump impeachment. Watching the way that trial was handled was disgusting. I began donating to Democrats then.

So, every name he calls her only backs it up. The Marxist/Communist name calling is straight out of John Birch Society techniques. I found out recently that my grandparents were in JBS in the 60s/70s. But that same grandmother has an illegal abortion just before Roe because her husband threatened to divorce her if she didn't. So that situation frames the right up pretty well. Neither of them lived to see Obama, and I am glad for that.

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Thanks, Jamie, for the weekend update. Get some sleep tonite. With the time change and the election you're gonna need it.

Meantime, somebody posted the infamous oral sex clip. This guy is shameless.


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My thought is about this stuff - would you post this on your church bulletin board? I think there are hundreds of examples for Trump where the answer would be 'no.'

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At this point, I don't think he gives a s@&t about what he says or where he's campaigning. He just wants the "love" and laughter from the crowds.

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Apparently Republicans campaign like they govern, very poorly. The 12 year old spoiled brat routine is one of several things that did me in on Trump. Some people seem to like it. I have no idea why.

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It is amazing that out of 350 million citizens we have the two candidates that we have for president ..one too old, one too inexperienced. The only thing that both do is attack the other candidate.

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trumps name calling seems like pure projection. as are most of his other negative comments about others.

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Jamie, I just became aware of this story about P-nut the Squirrel which appears to be going viral even as we speak. The backstory is several years old and the squirrel's reputation is quite well-known. But when authorities took the animal and a raccoon from their owner/caretaker a few days ago and euthanized them checking for rabies, a political firestorm has resulted in New York which is calculated to become a national story about NY Democrats. The political fallout will be as unstoppable as the next hurricane.


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southern lawmakers exploded in anger. "For the safety of the South and the safety of civilization,” Rep. Samuel Brinson of North Carolina said, “the ignorant Negro should be deprived of the privilege of voting.” political party? Democratic. <eom>

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From Reconstruction through most of the 20th century, I would bet that over 95 percent of all lawmakers from the South in Congress were Democrats. To use this guy as an example, Republicans did not gain a majority of seats in the North Carolina delegation until 1998. Republicans were hated in the South in the 1920's because the GOP fought for voting rights for Blacks. So yes, Brinson was a Democrat. He would not be a Democrat today.

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Two words….

Strom Thurmond

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