Any chance you have a picture of the outfit Sinema was wearing when she said. “Today though, my Democratic colleagues have chosen more political theater.”

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“Thus, as far as the Federal Constitution is concerned, a legislature may pursue partisan ends when it engages in redistricting”

Jesus, what filth, what liars. Keeps those in power, always in power. That’s not American, that’s how the nazis did it.

The right wingers are also screwed, but they’re too damn stupid to understand that.

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Is this true? Does it bode badly for a Speaker with no bank account, a history of grooming, a shared porn app with his children, and a sycophant willing to sell his soul to kiss the ring of a pig?


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Trump's grip on Republicans is clear. He is being punished for broaching bipartisanship with Democrats. The old saying holds true: Democrats can fall in love but Republicans fall in line.

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Poor Bunky

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