"The liberals have been after Trump since day one," Norman added. Do they ever tire of spouting such complete BS? There is one individual wholly responsible for DJT’s two impeachments and two indictments (and potentially another pair looming). DJT.

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Not-quite-right-timing Muse of History... I found the August 2 1939 Albert Einstein letter to FDR seeking to formalize a relationship between scientists and the US government that would become The Manhattan Project. In honor of the new film. I don't know much about the actual history about that.

Thank you Jamie!

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I would agree that Congress needs to stay out of what the local football team does. If there is harassment allegations that's what the courts are for.

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Just curious. Why would a convene time of 6:30am suggest the senator is from out west? Isn’t it even earlier there?

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I would take the Freedom Caucus more seriously on the spending cuts if they were pushing to stay in session until the spending bills were completed (with lower spending).

I agree with their sentiment , but they are only interested in the spectacle not the work or the results.

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I learned addition by 1960, so you may need to check my math, but I am curious to know, if 71 nay votes and 13 yea votes in the senate regarding more funding for Ukraine = 84, which 16 senators did not even do the job.

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Is it a little ironic that Sheldon Whitehouse is calling for stronger ethics rules for the Supreme Court? Wasn’t he involved in some insider trading scandal at some point? Maybe my memory is faulty.

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