Here's a question for a future Muse of History. If that infrastructure bill is topping 3,000 pages. What's the largest bill ever to pass in Congress?

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I think it was last year's Omnibus which was about 8,000 pages if I remember correctly. The answer is definitely not the Obama health law, which was over 2500

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As it happens, I recently about this. Not surprisingly it was fairly a fairly recent bill: the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (H.R. 133) ... according to the Senate Historical Office, at 5,593 pages, the legislation is the longest bill ever passed by Congress. It was signed by President Trump last December. (from Wikipedia)

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My guess was correct, but the number was wrong. It won't surprise me if the budget reconciliation package still to be developed by Democrats is longer, but we'll see.

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