As a Georgia resident, I’ll gladly cash a check if Gov. Kemp wants to send me one. I’m still voting for Stacey Abrams. Why? The heartbeat bill has now become law here and it’s poised to drive away medical professionals and new business. My friend, a bright former colleague (she and her husband, a tech guy, now live in Tennessee) explained it best to me this week: “I’ll be damned if my girls reach puberty living in Tennessee.” If abortion bans remain in red states, there’s no telling who will still be living there in a few years. The progressives with the means to do so, will quite possibly be gone. Here in Georgia, with our demos shifting so rapidly (thanks to an influx of new progressive residents), we still have a chance to NOT be Tennessee.

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Let's donate that money to Stacy Abrams or the DNC or the Georgia Democratic Party.

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Very stupid voters want very stupid people to represent them. That's how the GOP ended up with the candidates they have.

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McConnell is correct. Weak candidates will hurt the GOP and there is only one person to blame.

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"Candidate quality“ is the only reason I have crossed away from my chosen party. Sometimes the party candidate is not intellectually up to the job and you need to vote for the person who can handle the rigors of the position.

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A Republican went to Mozambique to discuss how legislators can hold the executive branch there accountable? Oy….

Kemp delivering checks to people just before an election sounds like par for the course for either party. Im surprised he didn’t deliver them two weeks before the election. Of course maybe that’s when the checks will actually arrive, with his signature and in an envelope from his office or is that too cynical?

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Between the pink wave and Trump's acolytes, I think McConnell is right. I hope those factors make Manchin and Sinema irrelevant and help the Democrats keep the House as well.

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Who are the “foreign aliens” Greene says are coming here to commit these appalling acts??

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Better Kemp passes that money to individuals rather than companies or organizations. Is he trying to buy votes? Of course. But that’s all politics is about. Buying your vote with a pittance of taxes you’ve paid and giving the rest to corporate sponsors.

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