
The proposal to close the primary is a big deal. While Wyoming's party registration is overwhelmingly Republican (196k of 280k registered voters) those other 84k voters could tip the balance in any election - if they wanted to.

And yes -that's how small Wyoming is. Washington DC has 524,000 registered voters - nearly double the state of Wyoming - and has no voting representation in the Congress.

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Are we sure they are just forgetting it? Even though I used to travel a lot, I knew exactly what was going into my carry-on bags. Does "I forgot," sound like a convenient excuse after you are caught?

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I'm happy to give people the benefit of the doubt. But it's not like we're talking about, "Oh, I forgot to pack my deodorant.' You have put a gun in the bag that you are planning to take on a plane.

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Texas primaries are still open. Some states (I think it is 19 total) have 'open' primaries because they do not register voters by party.

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I haven’t kept up with what’s going on in Wyoming so this morning’s newsletter proved very informative. Also: when Liz Cheney, of all people, no longer adequately represents the GOP for you? You might be trapped in a cult.

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If you forget that you have a gun in your carry-on, doesn’t that make you an irresponsible gun owner?

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Do you have a link you could share to the Durham filing? A snippet I just saw referenced Trump Tower and Donald Trump's apartment. Thanks.

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I’ve forgotten a lot of things in my life but I’ve never forgotten where a weapon of mine is. I also find it curious that people apparently keep a pistol in their carry on bag as a normal matter of course and only remove it to get on a plane.

I’m declaring shenanigans!

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