"At the end of the day, we have to protect the rights of the citizens to protect themselves." - but not the right to, you know, not be mowed down by an assault rifle while minding your own business. What he meant was: I just don't give a shit all these people got killed.

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16 Veterans a day

Die in a Gun suicide way

Blocking Mental Health history

Will result in more Veterans dying in misery

Please look at the Maine Shooter suspect's issues

And wonder if this is not a misuse

Of legislative authority

With no basis of real propriety

This is a death sentence for individual vets

The result in additional mass shootings is almost a sure bet

We need real research and fact based solutions

Not enabling violence as a resolution

Phil Lunney 10.26.2023

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I cannot believe that vote on the gun laws by the Senate. In what world should a mentally incompetent person own a gun? I work with psychiatric patients as you see many of them in the ICU. They can be irrational and unpredictable. They hallucinate. They can be paranoid. It’s not their fault, it’s an illness. But no sane person would put a gun in their hands.

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I love the snark from Fetterman. Always appreciate you sharing it.

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Thanks for the details on how. the vote for John Kennedy’s amendment went down.

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Yet another mental patient on the FBI radar commits an atrocity. I know what I’d try to fix...

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