
Maybe you heard me laugh out loud when I stumbled onto that gem in the Congressional Record

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Nothing will get done on the border situation so long as the topic works for political fund raising and vilifying the other party; politicians benefit from chaos at the border so don't expect any real changes.

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"I think the chief thing from which we suffer in the Senate is 'hot air.'"

Good catch, Jamie.

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Excellent “Regular Order” today and a bonus column at the AJC.

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Why do people use the word co-conspirator?

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Regarding MTG’s complaint about the border, she made an excellent point… and that’s how gosh darn crowded it is in America.

You see, there are about 7 billion people in the world, and a full SIX Billion have come across our southern border!

That’s either a LOT of immigrants, or that fool needs to learn her numbers. Pitiful that she’s the real leader of the GOP.


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