Interesting insight on how those picks could impact their positioning in the House. 🤔

Another reason why I am glad to still have access to your information and insight.

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I treasure listening to you especially back when you and Neal Boortz were on radio. Thanks so much for the newsletter. Best wishes always.

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Have always been a fan - 30+ years. Always wondered how WSB could afford a guy with your talent and intellect! Thanks for the newsletter.

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You are very talented and experienced. Anyone would be lucky to have you.

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Jamie, I have been listening to you for years and you are still my "go to" voice of reason. Best of luck with your new chapter. I will continue to rely on you for consistent fact-based reporting. Thank you.

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Jamie, yours is a voice of reason in a field of misinformation. You will be missed by your listeners, thanks for creating this platform.

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Jamie, this comment brought to mind an article I've asked many to read:

"I know from experience that Cunningham is correct in one sense: Too many lawmakers in both parties don't have a good friend on the other side of the aisle."

This Esquire piece from 2014 explored the divides in Congress through interviews with 99 representatives and senators. One person said they felt the divide began with the advent of air travel. Before going back to one's district was common, congressional families lived, played, ate, and attended schools and church together. They had interactions outside of work and were much more inclined to actually talk rather than yell.

No doubt social media has made it easier to launch scuds at the other side from behind a keyboard rather than hashing things out.

It's worth a read, or re-read.


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