Once the taxes on tips are removed, suddenly no Wall Streeters will get ‘bonuses’, their extra earnings will be ‘tips’

PS. The irony of Trump eliminating taxes on Overtime is bizarre when you consider that the GOP floated an idea to eliminate overtime pay!

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Jamie, I wonder if a legitimate concern (from GOP point of view) on the IVF bill would be language about testing of the embryos and storage and disposal of any genetic material?? I thought the bill to be well thought out and reasonable but I could see where minds could differ.

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I would agree, but you don't hear anything like that from Republicans. It's just a generic charge of 'poison pills.'

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I would guess that it's the "to provide such services without 'States enacting harmful or unwarranted limitations or requirements' that single out the provision of assisted reproductive services for restrictions that are not consistent with widely accepted and evidence-based medical standards of care". The reality is that many on the far right believe in fetal personhood and when they get power will outlaw IVF, but they know it's a non-starter with the majority of voters so that can't really say it outloud. You know "states rights" and all that.

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Dems should put out a bill to repeal SALT ceiling and call his bluff.

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Just imagine that the Democrats want to have some regulations/safe guards on cryptocurrency, which is/has been a highly volatile “investment”/currency that is not backed by anything other than people thinking it has value. The US dollar is also mostly based on people believing it has value, but at least it has the US government issuing/supporting it.

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