Thank you for the yellowhammer section. It's been very helpful how you have documented the progress in this case. Your continuing attention to it has helped me track it much more easily.

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I had somehow forgotten that it was Feinstein who had discovered Harvey Milk dead on the floor of his SF City Hall office from gunshot wounds. When she felt for a pulse, her finger slipped into a bullet hole. Man, talk about a moment that shapes the rest of your life. Too bad she was unable to get her transformative assault weapons ban legislation reinstated after Sandy Hook. By then, too many Senators were lining their pockets with fat NRA checks and using the 2A as a way to get gun-crazy constituents to the polls.

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As much as they talk about throwing out McCarthy, but who would be the replacement? I have noticed how none of the “rebels” are willing to step up in that role.

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