The 'regular order' refers to the normal process of business in Congress. The normal process to consider senior military promotions is to have them approved by unanimous consent on the Senate floor. No cloture vote, no roll call vote. That has been the regular order with respect to approving generals and admirals. Under the rules, Tuberv…
The 'regular order' refers to the normal process of business in Congress. The normal process to consider senior military promotions is to have them approved by unanimous consent on the Senate floor. No cloture vote, no roll call vote. That has been the regular order with respect to approving generals and admirals. Under the rules, Tuberville has the right to stop those nominees, and force a cloture vote, plus a final roll call vote. He has that power. But that is not the regular order of business in the Senate.
The 'regular order' refers to the normal process of business in Congress. The normal process to consider senior military promotions is to have them approved by unanimous consent on the Senate floor. No cloture vote, no roll call vote. That has been the regular order with respect to approving generals and admirals. Under the rules, Tuberville has the right to stop those nominees, and force a cloture vote, plus a final roll call vote. He has that power. But that is not the regular order of business in the Senate.