Good example of Trump reflection - 'if you are Jewish and vote for Harris, you are a fool' - translated to 'if you are Jewish and vote for Trump, you are a fool'.

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Jamie, I hope these weird comments are from people paying for access. At least it means you're making money to deal with their nonsense.

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Noah Smith also noticed the viral use of "weird". Replies to this link are a great study in how fast words travel.


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I wish I could read replies. But I deleted my twitter account when Musk took over. Now the links will only show the main message but one of the responses.

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Lots of other people left with you but I stayed and added a couple other platforms in case the place imploded. After years of contact I have a few "messaging" accounts that have proved valuable. (Accounts following each other have private messaging in real time, like email, without the character limit.)

I like my Mastadon account but don't use it as much as I expected.

You will appreciate that one of my Facebook accomplishments was being blocked by the Talkmaster.

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That's pretty cool. I have a mastodon account but never found the best server. Didn't like how it searches.

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Same. Not worth it to go back. Threads is a lot less toxic.

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The democrats who claim the Republicans want to end democracy are not abiding by their own election results. Why is that? Big money decided the democratic elected person couldn't win that threaten to stop funding democrats. Biden stated many times he was running. He said he would withdraw if Jesus Christ told him to. If they are abiding by their election, they should refund to each state or county the cost if the election. They should end all primaries. They are apparently irrelevant. Why did they waste people's time and money? Oh, that's right. They are democrats. Money grows on trees.

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This argument by Richard is a perfect example of how Republican lawmakers and their voters are still struggling to figure out a line of attack against VP Harris and Democrats. Note that none of it has to do with any real pocketbook issues - to quote Democrats this week, it's just 'weird.'

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What is really wired is how all the left

Wingers are. Now using the word “ wierd”- it’s as if they all hit the memo from the DNC. Reminds me of the parroting that happened during their oh do in depth coverage of the Hillary authorized Russia collusion hoax- word/ phrase of the day: bombshell; walks closing in/ bottom dropping out; beginning of the end; etc etc.

Then came the investigation report….no proof that anything happened. Let’s not forget the Hunter laptop that 51 high ranking dems swore didn’t exist or was Russian disinformation… oops! Now it’s real- wow! Great reporting there left wing media!

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According to your ownreporting, biden only got out if the race because of big donors. I don't plan to vote for Trump. I'm just pointing out hipocrocy. Is it not hypocritical what the democrats are doing? I think this is weird. Elections haven't been on pocketbook issues in a long time.

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No, I have never written about big donors and Biden. You have taken that in from conservative media.

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I stand corrected. I must have been listening to Erick Erickson one day. I fo listen to him occasionally.

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I also listen to Erickson from time to time just as I did with Limbaugh when he was alive. Like Boortz, they are and were some of the smartest people in broadcasting (as I'm sure Jamie can attest) and I am always amazed how they keep spreading the same stuff when they surely know better. They are undeniably gifted talkers so I decided it's more about ratings and revenue than reason.

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Yeah I’ve often liked listening to Erickson and his arguments. He had a different perspective on a lot of things. Smart guy. More recently he seems to parrot the same stuff as a lot of others. Disappointing. Less interesting.

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I remember when I thought world net daily was a legit news source. Then, it seemed that so many of their stories were never available anywhere else. Boortz really loved his WND stories.

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It’s a primary, you are electing delegates to the convention. The delegates then vote on a candidate. Biden was the only candidate on my ballot and he has decided not to run.

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Let’s see if you folks who are getting gas lighted by Kammie can understand this: Trump agreed to debate CANDIDATE BIDEN. He agreed to all his demands. His VP candidate agreed to debate VP HARRIS. Now I’ll get real close to the keypad kinda like Joe likes to do with microphone- THERE IS NO DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE TO DEBATE AT THIS MOMENT. There is no VP candidate to debate. Of course that will all change when they hold their “virtual” inauguration or crowning or whatever before the convention as is customary. But - hey - customary is old fashioned, like that Constitution thing that BHO said was getting in the way doing what he wanted to do. I will guarantee you that Trump x it’ll agree to debate whomever the dems anoint as their candidate. I will also predict that she/he will refuse to debate if it is held by and moderated by FOX NEWS. As Pelosi once famously said “you can take that to the bank!” ( in reference to her prediction that Trump would never be president. I wonder how she got so wealthy with financial expertise like that?)

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Harris is a candidate now just like Trump and Biden were in the recent debate.

Trump is just making excuses. (gaslighting?)

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He will agree to debate whoever the candidate is. With the dem power mongers were able to get the first candidate to quit because he was losing why agree to debate another candidate who could just as easily get dropped if her poll numbers don’t start showing her ahead of Trump?

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Per Henry Rogers: July 23, 2024

Former President Donald Trump said Tuesday he would “absolutely” debate Vice President Kamala Harris, even adding that he would do more than one.

On a call with reporters, Trump was asked about debating Harris since Biden dropped out of the race, to which Trump said he was not thrilled with ABC News but that he wants to debate Harris, and believes it is important to do so. Harris, who’s running based on a party insider vote with virtually no primary voter approval, said Monday she had secured enough verbal commitments from DNC delegates to clinch her party’s nomination. Three hundred California delegates voted to back Harris on Monday night — all during a private Zoom call.

I wonder why you’re not hearing this from those other reporters who were on that call?

I won’t wait for your apology.

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because he id scared to

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deletedJul 31
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Biden and Trump were both “presumptive nominees”. Trump is now the official candidate, Harris is not. Don’t get your undies in a wad over this gaslighting.

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No undies in a wad over your gaslighting, as you so crudely put it. Don’t be such a jerk.

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Per Henry Rogers: July 23,2024

When gas lighting becomes the truth, who do I see for an apology?

Former President Donald Trump said Tuesday he would “absolutely” debate Vice President Kamala Harris, even adding that he would do more than one.

On a call with reporters, Trump was asked about debating Harris since Biden dropped out of the race, to which Trump said he was not thrilled with ABC News but that he wants to debate Harris, and believes it is important to do so. Harris, who’s running based on a party insider vote with virtually no primary voter approval, said Monday she had secured enough verbal commitments from DNC delegates to clinch her party’s nomination. Three hundred California delegates voted to back Harris on Monday night — all during a private Zoom call.

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By the way Meg, sorry if I offended you with my somewhat crude but very old remark. I feel sorry for people who refuse to even listen to what the “other side” says and swallows the leftist media line hook line and sinker. I listen to liberal news casters so I know what you are hearing. I used to like Jamie when he was on WBS ( on purpose). Have you tried to listen to Erick Erickson there? Noon to 3:00 - Rush’s old time slot. He calls out both sides when they are wrong or do something stupid. I think you will find him refreshing.

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Eric, thank you for your apology. I have listened to Erick from time to time and while he calls out both sides he still engages in some gaslighting. I find Jamie’s straight news much more accurate; he doesn’t have a slant and just reports what happened.

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Yes he is pretty truthful, but have you noticed that his reporting is largely about negative things about republicans? Why not investigate some of the multitude of negative stories about democrats , especially and Harris?

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My optimism for the country electing a Black woman is not so optimistic as to believe it would like a VP who is as Jewish as Shapiro. I just don't trust the electorate, and I definitely don't trust the Democrats to last the 90 or so days before Election Day without complaining about that. Especially with what's happening in Israel.

I hope to be proven wrong about it. I love seeing the energy around Kamala.

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DLC- if you are looking to have a black woman as president it won’t happen this time around unless they drop Kammie for Michelle ma belle. And why is a Not- Black-Woman-of-Color gaslighting everyone into thinking she is black AND holding segregated campaign events? You have heard of her “ White Dudes for Harris” thing haven’t you? If you doubt her heritage you can research it anyplace but Google.

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You know, I was like you once upon a time. Big Boortz fan. Listened to all the talk radio for 15 years. I read all the books that go with that. Visited all the websites that were main sources then.. Even wrote an essay about why I left the left.

Then Trump happened.

So no, I don't care who it is as long as it isn't him. Period.

The whole is-she-Black thing reminds me of talk radio's statements about Obama too. Because he didn't have an ancestral history of north American enslavement.

So yeah your arguments are stale. Yawn. Go back to 2008 when at least the economics were defensible. Please go back to 2008 and grab some respect from McCain instead of the demagogue that claims to be conservative.

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Are you saying that today’s economics are defensible? If so I’ve got a bridge I’d like to sell you.

To me it’s not about the color of her skin. She pushed being of Indian descent for years until being black became advantageous. She lied to the country about Joes health conditions for years thinking she could ride his coattails into the White House. She freed cop killers in California and now we get to use taxpayer dollars to support the life of the mastermind of 9/11 for the rest of his life, assuming a president Harris doesn’t pardon him. This woman is everything the media says she isn’t- trying to rewrite she record. But the internet remember every word she uttered and they will come out. Look for a different news source and maybe educate yourself. I listen to liberal media so I know what you are hearing. Meanwhile enjoy paying twice as much for a gallon of gas and 30% more for groceries, and don’t for a minute think Kammie didn’t have anything to do with it. His policies are her policies, but her’s are going to be much much worse.

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Allow me to blow your mind. I work in O&G where we set a record in 2023 for production.

As for defensible, I'm saying the 2008 GOP platform economics policy was defensible. The current one is not.

As for everything else, yawn.

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