That link to a fireside chat from FDR is a real treasure. After all these years this is the first time I have taken time to listen to any of those famous one-way conversations.
"For a President especially it is a duty to think in national terms. He must think not only of this year but of future years, when someone else will be President. …
That link to a fireside chat from FDR is a real treasure. After all these years this is the first time I have taken time to listen to any of those famous one-way conversations.
"For a President especially it is a duty to think in national terms. He must think not only of this year but of future years, when someone else will be President. He must look beyond the average of the prosperity and well-being of the country (for) because averages easily cover up danger spots of poverty and instability. He must not let the country be deceived by a merely temporary prosperity, which depends on wasteful exploitation of resources, which cannot last. He must think not only of keeping us out of war today, but also of keeping us out of war in generations to come."
This man's wisdom and foresight were legendary. It's easy to understand why he was returned to office so often that Congress added a constitutional amendment limiting presidents to two terms.
I almost forgot the comment I was about to post when I stopped to listen to that link.
~> Events of the last few days have limited Trump's air time and the few clips I have seen make him seem even less coherent than usual. He pauses at odd times and messed up the pronunciation of Hamas to sound like hummus. One commentator suggested he's showing signs of senility. (I worry about that myself as the years tick by)
That link to a fireside chat from FDR is a real treasure. After all these years this is the first time I have taken time to listen to any of those famous one-way conversations.
"For a President especially it is a duty to think in national terms. He must think not only of this year but of future years, when someone else will be President. He must look beyond the average of the prosperity and well-being of the country (for) because averages easily cover up danger spots of poverty and instability. He must not let the country be deceived by a merely temporary prosperity, which depends on wasteful exploitation of resources, which cannot last. He must think not only of keeping us out of war today, but also of keeping us out of war in generations to come."
This man's wisdom and foresight were legendary. It's easy to understand why he was returned to office so often that Congress added a constitutional amendment limiting presidents to two terms.
I almost forgot the comment I was about to post when I stopped to listen to that link.
~> Events of the last few days have limited Trump's air time and the few clips I have seen make him seem even less coherent than usual. He pauses at odd times and messed up the pronunciation of Hamas to sound like hummus. One commentator suggested he's showing signs of senility. (I worry about that myself as the years tick by)
Has anyone else had the same impression?