“Biden can’t keep anything straight when he’s in public," said Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), who has repeatedly called for Biden to be drug tested before the debate.”

I think you mean Ronny JOHNSON, as he must be called from now on according to maga guidelines. But I do love the irony of how HE’s calling for drug testing, after he won the “pill pusher of the year, White House edition” award.

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The GOP is always intent on adding

WORK Requirements for obtaining Medicaid, etc.

How about this:

Let’s require Senators & Representatives to work in Washington, 40 hours a week!

We can even let them have 6 weeks vacation

Which will be scheduled for Congress not to be in session those weeks.

Too many absences: you lose your ‘vote’ for a period of time

PS. If Congress expects workers to ‘show up’, let’s expect the same from our elected representatives

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"So let's just assume that Biden puts forward a credible debate performance. What happens then for Republicans?" - you'll recall that he did exactly this for the State of The Union address (gave a coherent, credible speech) and the Republicans changed nothing in their approach.

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Not surprised that “Sovereign Citizens” are among the J6 defendants. They are an odd group of conspiracy theorists.

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You can laugh, but Andrew Miller WILL be the convict’s newest lawyer. Sovereign lawyer, I should say. And he won’t get paid, either.

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Seems like one of the 30 Senators is missing, a Democrat. I counted. 22R, 3I, 4D. Just curious who the 5th Dem was.

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Ope. I figured it out!

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Jamie, will we ever see recess appointments again? Cordray of the CFPB was a big Obama one, is that correct? That's the last big one I remember without doing any research. It seems like the Senate really doesn't want those to happen anymore, so we get these 6:30am pro formas.

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I feel like some Capitol officers could file charges against Miller and make his nonsense moot.

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