On a good day, Dems love to set their hair on fire and run around panicking. And Thursday was NOT a good day. But as you point out, who replaces Joe? To their own detriment, the Dems never bothered to build a bench after 2020 (which is mind boggling given the age of your party leader). There’s nobody with the name recognition/fundraising to slide in even if Biden did decide to pack it in. Harris, understandably, would want her shot but I don’t see the party consolidating around her. Plus, you’d have to combat how racist/misogynistic American voters are. It would be Hillary 3.0, only worse. If our very democracy wasn’t on the line, you could roll the dice on Harris but that’s unlikely in this race.

Biden should have run from the start as a one-term president and made it clear early on (via an LBJ announcement) that he had no intention of seeking a second term. That would have given the party a four-year ramp to ready a successor. But he’s been grasping for this brass ring since 1988 and ego won’t allow him to let it go (see: Mitch McConnell).

The only party currently in worse shape, saddled with a horrendous candidate completely incapable of leading in the future? The GOP.

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I agree. As Will Rogers famously said "I’m not a member of any organized political party…. I’m a Democrat." This argument will remain unresolved until election day when voters will decide which of two choices will be less disagreeable.

This election is more about integrity than individuals. Some traits which are the opposite of integrity are dishonesty, irresponsibility, cheating, disrespect, etc. In every aspect of life, personal or professional, integrity is important. Moral integrity helps people do the right thing even in situations where that may be difficult.

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We also have to remind ourselves that we are not only electing one individual, but an entire administration, who, so far, has been able to deliver to the American people. I don't want to imagine a Bannon, Steve Miller, and the likes of Flynn back in the White House along with TFG's children.

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"In every aspect of life, personal or professional, integrity is important." — unless you've voted Republican over the last eight years.

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Integrity? This is the man who used someone else life story as his own in 1992. Who talked about a relative eaten by cannibals. Does that sound like integrity.

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It’s all relative, Richard. Compared to a twice-impeached, career con artist rapist convicted felon chronic liar ongoing criminal defendant who incited an attack on the U.S. Capitol and has publicly floated/threatened the idea of introducing authoritarianism in his second term? Yes, Joe Biden has more integrity than his opponent. A LOT more integrity.

But thanks for perfectly illustrating my point.

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I don't plan to vote for either Biden or Trump. I didn't illustrate anything. You were just making Biden out as honesty to be followed. He has been lying about himself for many years . But no one calls him on it. It is just over looked. That's not integrity by Biden or anyone. You said it was about integrity. I don't think that describes either man.

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This SCOTUS is trash.

Absolute immunity on official acts, but no way to prove what’s an official act, so it’s all official, and the pig goes free.

And the right wing cheers the end of America.

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Regarding Devils Tower, that vote will have to wait for a Dem Congress in both chambers then. The name change is a good idea. It's like the change for the peak Mt. McKinley to the proper Denali.

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The biggest issue with Biden’s performance was the fact that he spent the time to prepare and that was his performance. Even if he had a cold. And at his age it is not going to get easier/ better.

I think they hoped Kamala would step up over the first term, but she obviously hasn’t grown into the job.

For the Dems, my hope is that most of the back room discussions are centering around Biden stepping down, an “open” convention, & then consolidating around the new ticket.

Basically pull together 2 - 3 acceptable candidates (no Bernie) and let the convention decide. Then the others do their “duty” and pound the pavement for the candidate.

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I can't see this Congress doing anything about correcting the Devil's Tower name. But it does need to be fixed.

"In the Lakota language, the word for a “bad god” or an “evil spirit” is “wakansica”. However, the Lakota word for black bear is “wahanksica”."


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People keep pointing out how much better Biden was in North Carolina. Nobody mentions he had a tele prompter to use. He could just read what he was going to say. Didn't had to think about it.

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The Democratic Party not understanding - that if Joe Biden is not replaced as the nominee they are going to see the loss of enough voters to deliver the Presidency and both houses of Congress to the Republicans and the damage caused to the party could be enough to keep them out of power for a generation. But you can bet - the Democratic Party elite are absolutely not the slightest bit interested that a majority of American voters want him off the ticket. No sir, they're going to tell you exactly what's good for you right until the sinking ship has hit the bottom of the ocean. Idiocy.

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So who's your winning candidate, Scotty?

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