"I can't tell you how many times I've had people tell me that Washington, D.C. is a war zone - but they seemingly have never been here." - my version of that are the once or twice a year trips I take to Chicago to see rock concerts. Every time people I know are aghast that I would put myself in such "danger" by going there. People are just clueless ....

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Ignorance and suspicion seems endemic to people who for whatever reason don't travel unless there is an emergency. When I got a good job that sent me to New York I was a little uncomfortable at first, but when I discovered how thrilling it is to be in the sites everybody knows from TV & movies I quickly got over it. Sidewalk and subway buskers appeared in unexpected places and the food was better than most local affairs I remember. Same for DC, Miami, other parts of the country.

One group that is usually less provincial are military families that often live around the country and in many cases abroad. When we moved to Columbus it became clear that the kids from the Ft. Benning side of town (now Ft. Moore) were more cosmopolitan than those of us who had not been far from home.

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Haha. I always tell people concerned for my safety because I live in the city--did you know Chicago is called The Windy City because of the breeze stirred up by all the flying bullets?

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Years ago one of my employees had a tee-shirt that said: I'm so cool we vacation in Detroit!

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I have stolen thisfrom you and will start posting on social media every time I see unsubstantiated drivel.

2024 Economic facts assembled by https://jamiedupree.substack.com

* Historically low unemployment of 4.1 percent.

* Inflation low at 2.4 percent.

* Stock market up 25 percent in the last year.

* Big wage gains for the bottom 50 percent.

* Strongest economic growth of any nation in the world.

I would encourage others to do the same.

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I fully understand why people are angry about inflation and price increases. But there is no doubt that inflation has come down. The metrics - in a vacuum - are solid.

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The problem isn't this year. The problem is the pervious years. Prices are up big time and not coming down. The exception is fuel. I'm old. I can remember getting a 16 Oz soda and a hostess cake for 50 cents. Now a hostess cake is more than $2. More recently, my store brand cereal a couple of years ago was $1.49. Now it's $1.99. Everything is up, alot.

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Yes, everything is up, including wages. Think about how much you made when you got that delicious sugary crap.

When I graduated in 1986, making $100k a year straight out of college was unheard of… now it’s often an insult (in certain sectors).

Likewise, social security average benefit was $460/month 40 years ago, now it’s $1800, double that for a high earner.

Still, winding up short at the end of the month is a terrible feeling, and metrics don’t feed your family.

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Detroit and DC are 'hellholes' to Trump because they have a significant Black population. That's all you need to know about Trump.

And Trump sure didn't mind 'her e-mails' being released just weeks before the 2016 election.

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I look at those broken bridges and read that the repairs won't be done until next year and then I think of how somehow Pennsylvania was about to get I-95 open in a relatively short period of time. I hope the oodles of government red tape and permitting is torn up in this case

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Unlike the Penn. repairs the mountain road repairs will also include full rebuild of roads with retaining walls to support the roads and other slope stabilization to help mitigate future landslides. Plus, many of these will have to be done in sequence instead of all at one time.

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I'm no expert but I thought the same thing. Likewise, the damages near the Gulf as well as that big bridge on the West coast a couple years ago may be as costly, but those mountain roads in the Carolinas will take more time and materials.

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I don't know anything about road building, but I'm pretty sure that when the ground that the road was on is just gone -- that's going to take a while to fix.

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for sure it is a harder repair… just hope to see red tape cut drastically

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The biggest difference is getting materials to the affected sites… barely any effort to get it to the PA highway, incredibly hard on mountain roads, and winter is coming.

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The only reason this race seems to be tied is because for the last nine years, trump has softened up the media and the country with so many lies, he knows he can say literally anything and his cultists will not just believe it, but they’ll die on every single hill he sets up for them.

He figured out that the terminally stupid, racist, hateful greedy morons in America would support the very worst person in the world if he tells them what they want to hear, and as long as he hates who they hate.

It hurts them financially, hurts them with healthcare, hurts them with the results of climate change, but their hate is more important than anything else.

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