More people need to know the word "stochastic" -- it's meaning and consequences.

Donald Trump is a case study in stochastic terrorism.

Read, learn and pass the word.


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On Sunday, The Hill posted their story about Trump’s stump speech on FB and a member of Cult 45 chimed in to comment “the news media took that out of context!” So I asked, “in what context would using the word ‘bloodbath’ be appropriate?” No reply.

Honestly? My fear is that Trump is correct. These folks are completely out of their minds.

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Stop with the over the top rhetoric. Trump is not going to oh wait yet s he is.

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Have you all read the chilling document Project 2025? We need to take seriously the Heritage Foundation’s planned takeover of our country. It is a precisely planned and well funded scheme designed by extreme right and is already happening. The press needs to scream loudly about this! Trump is just their mouthpiece. If we don’t stop this now, it will be already in place by the time we wake up!


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And Heritage Foundation hosted Orban last week. That was a far bigger story than Orban sitting down with Trump.

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Actually, I'm rereading the context of bloodbath. It feels like he was saying it would be an economic bloodbath if he were to WIN because those cars wouldn't get sold due to cost from tarrifs. I recognize that's not actually what was said, but that is the way the context leans.

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In all of the public statements Alan Greenspan ever made on the US economy I don't ever recall him using the turn of phrase "bloodbath," do you, DLC? Let's stop pretending Donald Trump doesn't mean the things coming out of his mouth.

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I agree. I'm just trying to unwind it into more nonsense. It's like he has the words Border Biden Bad B B B running through his mind and has been using the word bloodbath outside of the rallies. Then he gets up there and uses it live in the big audience. Because he wants to escalate the chaos all the time.

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This country is finished if Trump is re-elected. There is no more path.

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So let me get this straight. Our do-nothing Republican Congress is doing work they did last year all over again, just so they can pretend they are getting something done. Garnish their wages for any time spent on this second go-round, since they are double billing us for what they already did, and never properly completed, to boot, by sending it on to the Senate.

Where is mass media on exposing this hypocrisy? Why isn't this on CNN, MSNBC?

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“Last week, Trump again vowed to release everyone convicted of a Jan. 6 crime.”

Actually, he didn’t. He used his word salad to make it sound like that to his idiot nazi rally goers, but here’s what he actually says, every time:

“You see this spirit from the hostages? And that’s what they are. is hostages. They’ve been treated terribly and very unfairly, and you know that, and everybody knows that. And we’re going to be working on that soon. The first day we get into office, we’re going to save our country, and we’re going to work with the people to treat those unbelievable patriots. And they were unbelievable patriots”

If those criminals rot in jail forever, he wouldn’t think twice about them… but magats are so stupid they don’t realize it.

“we’re going to work with the people to treat those unbelievable patriots”

This means… nothing.

And for all you rapist lovers… is this what patriotism looks like to you?

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And why has no one made a big deal about a “100% tariff on cars”?

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Here’s the thing. We are talking about brainwashed blood thirsty cult followers. I can assure you that the ONLY thing they heard was, “if I lose, bloodbath.”

Parsing word salad means nothing, because he does this on purpose. He won’t mind if a million magats die, if he wins, that’s all he gives a damn about.

Magats are just fodder to him.

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I live in Illinois, just north of this district, and as bad as Mike Bost is, Darren Bailey is worse.

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Perhaps if Trump could complete a sentence, it would be more clear what bloodbath he was talking about.

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With the Fiscal Services bill on hold due to the CR does that mean the 65 million on Social Security won't get paid?

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Make a note about tariffs.

Next time someone suggests using tariffs in the trade wars remember who eventually pays the price.

~ The fact is that tariff barriers weaken the middle class. In the short term, they raise consumer prices. In the medium term, they weaken the nation’s manufacturing competitiveness and undermine middle-class jobs. In the long term, they inhibit innovation and the emergence of the next generation of middle-class jobs, weakening our children’s toe-hold in the middle class and sapping the nation’s prosperity over time.


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