“We can't go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear.” While he doesn’t strike me as a person capable of recognizing irony, DeSantis expertly summed up the malignancy of the modern GOP.

Also, it was fascinating to learn 45 skips all the diner grip n grins with the locals. And if your credentials were denied, I’m wondering what non-broadcast media is being allowed into 45’s rallies.

I also wonder how the 45 campaign is dealing with his weekend stump blunder of confusing Pelosi and Haley while railing on about Jan. 6. When you start adding up the “Biden will lead us in the WWII” remarks, someone’s brain isn’t firing on all cylinders. And it’s not just the NYT reporting on this. Fox News had a piece on its website about the Nikki-Nancy mixup.

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The PAC backing DeSantis will be changing their name from Never Back Down to Guess We'll Back Down After All

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Think of all the money they burned, and how little it produced. It's just nuts.

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I thought Haley had a chance in NH with Chris Sununu supporting her. But I saw an interview on PBS with him. When asked if he'd support Trump if he won the nomination, he said yes. I lost all respect for him. (He didn't have to say he'd support Biden, but he could have come up with some typical "political" answer, like "we'll have to see" or "I haven't decided yet." That didn't look good for Nikki.)

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Or “I support democracy and our constitution.” When did those become obsolete to the GOP?

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There are only three outcome concerning voting:




Pick one...

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Yep. That's pretty much where things stand

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Jamie, maybe put on a MAGA hat and they will pay you to attend. 🤣

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What has happened many times on the trail is that people think - because I'm always wearing a suit and tie - is that I'm a campaign staffer.

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Wow, a LOT of info to digest this morning, but one thing is clear:

Republicans suck, Inmate #PO1135809 is a disloyal sack of crap, a criminal, a liar, a thief, a rapist, a traitor... and his violent idiot cultists love him because of it. THEY want to be the criminal, but they are too scared, so they cheer a fat hitler.

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And as the hundreds and hundreds of Jan. 6 arrests and convictions have demonstrated, they're not immune to being prosecuted, seemingly unlike their untouchable cult leader. I'd wager that's also a reason they cheer him — he gets away with his criminality.

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Jamie, what was your transgression which caused you to get booted from the press pool?

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I'm sure it was just luck of the draw. One of my AJC colleagues got the same rejection

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I'll be interested to see what Jamie has to say about this, but it's easy to guess, isn't it? Jamie is neither a myrmidon nor a sycophant, and independent journalists capable of critical thinking are never going to be embraced by Trump - or his campaign staff.

If the things that you say and do won't stand up to objective scrutiny, then you have to be sure to exclude those who might call you out for it.

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Dear Republican Women

If I were you I’d be driven

To support Nikki against these brutes

For I feel these Men don’t give a hoot

They not only dislike woke


They just want boys

To be boys

To the Women of New Hampshire & South Carolina

What outcome would be finer

Than redirecting the GOP

Into the party it should be

Phil Lunney 1.21.2024

PS. Say hello to Greg Bluestein for me

I remember when you 2 traveled Iowa together

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Has Asa dropped?

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