It’s illustrative that Trump and the GOP are busy blowing all of their tried and true racist dog whistles. The immediate ground swell of support for Harris terrifies them. In just a few days, Black women have mobilized, (including the powerful network of HBCU sororities), former Haley supporters have moved to Harris and Gen Z voters have awakened and are all over TikTok showcasing their support. Meanwhile, 44,000 Black women, 50,000 Black men and last night, 164,000 white women mobilized on Zoom calls to fundraise and plot ground games. And this morning comes word Barack “Hussein” Obama and Michelle Obama have officially endorsed Harris. Let’s hope Mar a Lago is stocked up on Depends this weekend.

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Don’t count your chickens…independents are leery of her record, which as VP is thin. She wins if Trump beats himself.

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“Her record is thin.” Sounds like you haven’t been paying attention, Thomas.

To wit, As Vice President, Harris has made 17 foreign trips in three-and-a-half years, including attending the Munich Security Conference shortly after Russia launched its full-scale war on Ukraine in 2022, as well as the APEC and ASEAN Summits and the 2023 COP climate summit in Dubai. Harris has met with over 150 foreign leaders. Aside from Biden, you’ll have to go back to George HW Bush in 1989 to find a president who would take office with more foreign affairs experience than Harris.

As Vice President, Harris has also overseen the first-ever Office of Gun Violence and Prevention. She has addressed maternal mortality and maternal health, continuing that work from her days as a California Senator. Now as vice president, she has led the Maternal Health Task Force. Consequently, 47 states plus D.C. have now expanded postpartum Medicaid access.

As part of her work to implement the Biden infrastructure plan, she’s devoted time to eradicating lead pipes and has expanded broadband access in rural areas.

She also saw two of her key Senate initiatives, making Juneteenth a federal holiday and after decades of delay, helped to get the federal Emmett Till anti-lynching law signed by Biden.

After the fall of Roe, Harris has made prioritizing and protecting reproductive rights a key priority, meeting with lawmakers from 18 states on the issue.

In attempting to address the ongoing crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, she visited Mexico and Guatemala. Toward that end, Harris has also attempted to address the root causes of the immigration problem, creating the Central America Forward initiative, which has yielded more than $4.2 billion in private sector commitments toward supporting the creation of local jobs and other measures designed to slow the flow of mass migration.

As a woman of color, Harris has also been at the forefront as veep helping the Biden administration work to codify voting rights protections via the proposed Freedom to Vote John R Lewis Act, which would extend the protections of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

In the summer of 2023 as part of the administration’s Summer of Action campaign, Harris traveled to 17 states to address key issues directly impacting the Americans, including protecting reproductive rights, addressing gun violence, advancing economic opportunity, bringing awareness about climate change and the importance of learning and teaching America's full history.

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Thank you, Mr. Eldredge! Nicely done! Meg

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And where did you copy this list of talking points?

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I didn’t “copy” it from anywhere, Thomas. I’ve been a working journalist for 35 years. I spent 75 minutes yesterday after your post and went through three and a half years of dull news briefs to compile my response to you. You’re welcome.

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I apologize if I offended you. I appreciate that you researched all this, but it does not make her an acceptable candidate, since she wasn’t forced to face primary voters, who given her unpopularity would probably have doomed her second attempt.

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No party is required by law to hold primaries. And her popularity has nothing to do with her ability to do the job. Did you not pay attention to elections for high school student council?

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…and I may well copy this list of “talking points” and credit your hard work, Mr. Eldredge. Thank you.

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Which Trump will probably do...his ego is always in control. The republican party is lost and can not govern.. Hard for to admit as I usually vote republican.

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Thomas also apparently fails to consider that Donald Trump became president with ZERO record as a vice-president or as any elected representative for that matter. But the folks who casually overlooked that in 2016 want to discuss Harris' "thin record." There's a reason for that.

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For those who may have missed it, here is the reason for that "Coconut army" reference.


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Yay, context. Thanks.

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Hi, Jamie.

Did the House pass five or six of the spending bills? The approps status table seems to indicate these ones passed:



Homeland Security,




Source: https://crsreports.congress.gov/AppropriationsStatusTable

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Hi Kevin. Great to hear from you. Energy & Water was debated on the House floor, but no final vote was held. The bill was pulled because it was going to fail. The CRS table indicates there was no final vote. The House Calendar indicates the same - https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CCAL-118hcal-2024-07-30/pdf/CCAL-118hcal-2024-07-30.pdf#page=204

Also of note - Republicans passed 5 of 12 bills, but only sent 4 to the Senate. Homeland Security was held back by the Clerk under a special rule approved by the House.

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Ah, I see---thank you. Great stuff, as always.

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Why in the world would a democrat vote to condemn Kamala?

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Wray’s statement about Trump’s injury was bad, in my opinion, because I would only make that with evidence to back it up. I do need to go and watch the clip for the context because I assume something is missing in the general reports.

As for the unemployment numbers I am curious if anyone knows of any analysis to determine the actual impact of the baby boomers retiring #s influencing this number well below the 5% level. My impression is that baby boomers retiring is helping to keep that low and keeping competition for replacement up, this driving inflation pressures up. Thus inflation shot up after covid abated due to a combination of spending, employment, and retirements. This is why I suspect inflation has not dropped as quickly.

Any thoughts or resources?

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Obama was the only politician Trump ever feared.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

Wondering aloud. Before Biden backed out Trump tacked to the right when he picked the chameleon Vance as his VP who looks to be full MAGA and has some weird comments coming out which could hurt Trump with middle voters. If Trump had known Biden was going to back out and be replaced by Harris would he still have picked Vance or would he have picked someone more normal like Youngkin?

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Just my 2 cents, but I don't think Trump would have picked Youngkin. I really thought Doug Burgum would have been more his type, because he was willing to say just about anything for Trump - after saying just about anything against him in the primary. Vance was all about appealing to GOP voters which usually isn't the way to pick a VP.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

You're right as usual and I read something today that says DJT wanted Burgum but the sons were rabidly pushing JDV. Don't know how accurate Taegan Goddard is however. Regardless... Looks like the Vance pick might be a mistake

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It feels like the Trump campaign believed they had the election in the bag and went with the full-on MAGA Vance to juice up enthusiasm with the base. They rolled the dice believing Biden would limp to the finish line. Now they have to reinvent their strategy in 100 days.

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Yeah... That's where I am...

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Love the trivia! Nothing ever really changes. Ha!

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