
The text of the second 6-bill minibus has now been posted at https://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20240318/WDI39597.PDF

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Another you're-getting-your-money's-worth post, Jamie. Thanks.

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I know you’re as unbiased as a reporter can be, but apart from the disgraceful actions of democrat Roosevelt, literally every item you wrote about shows republicans for what they are - sniveling cowards, hateful liars, criminals, rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, train robbers, bank robbers… and Methodists.

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Trying to stop our data from flowing out of this country will be like trying to stop water from flowing around rocks downhill.

With AI and big data analysis, it is now even more of a threat as AI can analyze that data much faster, makes our data so much more accessible, and then can fake data in a very dangerous way, so it will become harder and harder to distinguish truth from 'alternative facts'.

Congress wants to pretend that a company can get permission from an individual handily and easily to plumb their data. Good luck with that. Also, Congress assumes that data would never be fed through a VPN to anyone paying that company on the sly, without the individual ever having a clue about what happened. This whole effort is laughable.

The primary problem is lack of a verifiable, court worthy digital identity. Think about it, without that, how else would a company be able to prove they got your online consent to have your data sent to China or Russia?

Our laws never evolved quickly enough to ensure we got immutable, dedicated and hard-to-hack digital identities that are fully under each individual's control. This is thanks to the Gods of Silicon Valley being greedy and trying to corner the identity 'market' (your Facebook account, for instance, is used for all sorts of transactions).

The last thing on their minds was protecting an individual's rights to that online identity, transaction by transaction, much less considering individual privacy or stopping the manufactured trolls (which help Facebook/Twitter/etc to claim massive customer rolls) from proliferating.

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