"Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) repeatedly refused to answer the simple question of whether she considers Joe Biden the President-Elect."

She'll neither confirm nor deny....

I don't understand how a sitting senator can fail to acknowledge the outcome of one of the most basic democratic processes and still be considered a representative to and of our government. Her utter disregard for the decisions of more than 50 judges of all political stripes to cater to an outgoing president, and a smaller group of voters who are seemingly steeped in ignorance, boggles the mind. And this woman is married to the head of one of our financial community's leading institutions.

At what point does one of the following actions occur? Her party's leadership says "cut the crap"; She's declared to be incapable of fulfilling the responsibilities of her office; or Georgia Democrats swarm the polls to unseat her?

I'm sure I'm letting logic cloud my mind, but obstruction for the sake of obstructionism shouldn't be considered a point of pride. This kind of intransigence completely undermines the welfare of the nation by refusing to find a common ground for the benefit of 330,000,000 people, not her megawealthy ego.

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Jamie, good work. Nice summary of all things D.C. Really liking your daily writings here. If you eventually go to a paid version, I'll be signing up. Your snapshot of the day's happenings is just what I need as in a way there is too much 24/7 news coverage and volume. I need "just the bottom line". Thanks again and wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas.

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Thanks very much for the nice words. The plan is to go to a paid version in early January. You have a Merry Christmas as well.

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While we focus on presidential elections, Congress continues to fail to meet their deadlines for budgets. As Jamie has pointed out for years, congressional approval ratings are consistantly low, yet incumbents are reelected over and over. IMO our best hope is for both parties to primary their representatives and senators and hold these people accountable. Sadly, I would guess less than half of the voters in both parties in this last election would be able to name their representative and 2 senators. We need to wake up and focus locally.

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“ Wilson was at least wearing a mask, under new guidelines from Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The entire Capitol Hill community is lucky the Congress hasn’t had a super spreader.”

Yeah, especially since Pelosi wouldn’t implement COVID testing. But she and the Dems sure like to TALK about their COVID concerns.

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