Thanks for working today Jamie!

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An interesting graphic would be a transparent graphic of the US Capitol with superimposed drawings of all Jan 6 convictions signified by a red dot marking how far they made it. With other dots for unindicted or unidentified. It's hard for me to picture the cumulative impact of the convictions with how many people were there.

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McConnell has made public little information about his health since he suffered a concussion after a bad fall back in March." - You don't end up hospitalized for days and then go into long term physical therapy for a concussion. It's called a traumatic brain injury. Instead of lying about it right from the start had he chosen to be truthful (yes, I know, this is completely impossible) then all of this could have been easily understood by everyone - he could have said I'm still suffering the after effects of this incident but the good news is that I am well on the path to recovery. The lies, lies, lies about EVERTHING are just exasperating as hell - why not tell the truth EVEN ONCE?

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