I didn't realize there were liberal votes against the infrastructure bill. Interesting.

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The Squad is irrelevant, and always has been. All they did was give cover to the right wing terrorists who called the entire Democratic Party are left wing crazies.

The sad thing is that the gop gave the squad way more bad press for the little they could do… compared to how the dems argued against what the tea party or the freedum caucus actually did.

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If I was Chief I'd release the rulings as soon as they're complete. But I would have always been doing that so it would be expected. That's also why I'd never be made Chief Justice. Well, that and the fact that I'm neither a lawyer nor a judge.

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In a sane world, I know that Boebert wouldn’t get a single vote. But republicans, and I literally mean every single Republican who votes for this filth, are hateful, fearful, ignorant, racist, impossibly stupid lunatics. And every other republican, who sits silently and lets their party destroy democracy without so much as a whimper against what they know is wrong, is just as bad.

There no evidence to prove me wrong.

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In response to your poll, I would advise the Chief Justice to wait til after the debate to breathe a word about the Trump case. No matter how they rule -- pro, con or neutral (sending back to lower courts) -- the blowback on the Court will be more negative than if he waits. Either way ignites a firestorm of arguments, but waiting minimizes the accusation of influencing public opinion.

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It doesn’t matter when they do it, they have already given that convict the upper hand due to the premeditated delays they gave him.

My guess is they will say that from THIS POINT ON, no president gets full immunity… but whatever happened BEFORE the question of immunity was raised? Well, that’s just peachy keen fine with them.

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