That reference to flagpoles used as weapons by the J6 attackers reminded me of one of the rules demonstrators followed in the Sixties. As non-violent protesters we could bring posters or wear clothing with slogans and symbols, but everything had to be hand-held. No sticks or poles were allowed simply because they could be taken away by angry opponents and used as weapons against us.

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That write-up was extensive. So much research.

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I am a South Carolinian...I was hoping that Nikki would be an answer to the miserable Trump-Biden choice...I attended a Haley rally, even sent her a little money. My friends said that I was crazy...that she would end up in Trump's camp but of course zeal to find some hope, I didn't listen. Now...I can absolutely say that I will never support her again...I don't care what she runs for. As the saying goes, there is nothing to be gained by the second kick of the mule. God help this country that we love...

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Yeah I was happy when she initially did not endorse Trump. Seeing her say she would vote for him makes me lose a lot of respect for her.

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Don't be too harsh on her. Something in her second-generation immigrant heart led her to get the Confederate battle flag off the S.C. state flag as well as go an extra mile opposing Trump. If she decided to become a Democrat (or even an Independent) her life literally might be in danger so she's just doing what it takes to remain in politics. I feel sure she's not the only member of the GOP with dark secrets they dare not mention.

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Heather Cox Richardson also noted that "Appeal to Heaven" flag in this morning's Letter from an American.

She said in part....

~> This flag represents the idea that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. As Ishaan Jhaveri of Columbia University’s Tow Center in the Graduate School of Journalism explained in 2021, in the days of the American Revolution, the flag “was meant to symbolize the right of armed revolution in the face of tyranny.”

But in 2013 the flag was the symbol of a group working to put Christians into public office to create a government based on their ideology. In 2015, those trying to stop the Supreme Court from legalizing gay marriage flew the flag; in 2016, supporters of the militias that occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge did so, too. In 2017 the flag was behind Trump when he spoke to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), and in 2020, those opposed to Covid shutdowns carried it.

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