The Craig Riedel saga in today’s newsletter answers the question I posed yesterday. It’s sad and more than a little pathetic that 45 still has such a stranglehold on the dying corpse of what was the Republican Party. Clinging to power means more to them than our democracy or our constitution. The message they’re sending to rational sane American voters in an election year is unmistakable.

And congrats on the beginning of Regular Order year number four, Mr. Dupree. You demonstrate daily (today with photos!) of how indispensable your institutional knowledge and deep sourcing are to readers. Between this and your weekly AJC column, I’m grateful you now have in-depth platforms for your work. While I waffle a bit on my other subscription renewals each year, Regular Order has become essential reading for me and hopefully lots of other folks.

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Thanks for your support Richard. Everyone needs to remember that Jan. 6 was not about Trump's tax and budget policies. It was all about staying in power - no matter how.

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Jan 6 is normally a day to celebrate in Latin American cultures (its three kings day and we get our stockings stuffed with extra gifts ) and the beginning of carnival season for Mardi Gras for those who celebrate (laissez les bon temps roule!) The day will forever be marred for me with the events of that day in 2021 and some in the GOP keep that wound open with their incessant gaslighting and support of TFG 😑

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Loved the pictures in the Hart building.

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Thanks for the reminder about tomorrow's J6 anniversary. It's hard to know how much momentum the maga crowd still has but one watchdog group has published a press release saying in part:

"On January 6th, multiple fascist, neo-Nazi, white supremacist, and white nationalist hate organizations have planned a demonstration at the Ohio Statehouse. They are organizing this event to commemorate the events of attack on our nation’s capital on 6th, 2021, as well as to honor individuals killed or incarcerated as a direct result of their failed uprising and attempted coup."

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Multiple state capitals had to be evacuated this week due to emailed bomb threats and the Maine SOS's home was "swatted" 24 hours after she removed 45 from the primary ballot. You pose a great question — how much momentum does the MAGA crowd have?

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The Post published a well-documented piece this morning headlined "A quarter of Americans believe FBI instigated Jan. 6." Lots of details with validating links. The closing paragraphs remind me of how Jamie's newsletters end, with a tally of criminals that keeps coming all the time. (I like to read with the audio version playing at the same time.)


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And... “The Post-UMD poll finds a smaller 11 percent of the public overall thinks there is “solid evidence” that FBI operatives organized and encouraged the attack, while 13 percent say this is their “suspicion only.”

How can these people be so stupid? So gullible?

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