Thanks for a weekend report. I can't imagine how many hours your work week must be.

As the latest GOP wet dream comes to an end, this is a good time to remember that in case the president becomes unable to perform the duties of the office, the 25th Amendment, passed in the aftermath of the JFK assassination, provides a constitutional option. (That was mentioned during Trump's time in office, and fortunately no one gave it a second thought.)


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If Biden was replaced at the convention, what happens with Ohio ballot? Isn't that the state you shared that closes the window before the convention date?

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The recent rulings by SCOTUS were eye opening. Not for the rulings as much as for the split decisions that showed justices who are considered liberal and/or conservative siding with the “other side”.

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A lot of talk about Biden's performance. How was Trump's, outstanding, brilliant, coherent, honest???

Did Trump provide any good for the American people? Why hasn't the media and others ask a convicted felon, sexual abuser, business fraudster to step aside? We are not voting for only one man, but an entire administration. Do we want Bannon, Steve Miller, Manafort, Roger Stone and the likes of Flynn back around the White House? Goof luck America...

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“Errant claim?” Check your assumption. And what about the three soldiers killed in Jordan? The man is not all there.

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I had hoped that after Obama that both parties would bring in “younger” candidates. Then we got Hillary and Trump. Then even older Biden. Now it it is the even older Biden and almost as old Trump. At least 2028 will force in younger blood.

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