Robert Hubbell:

“The hypocrisy and double standard is sickening. One candidate on the stage lied from start to finish. And no one is suggesting that he drop out.”

So that convict gets rewarded for everyone knowing he’s a liar, Biden gets damaged because he didn’t spend the entire time fact checking the liar.

It’s a joke to think that the rapist is a better man, better husband, better father, better president.

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What was Trump's agenda for the American people, other than deport immigrants and provide tax cuts for the wealthy? A convicted felon should've never being allowed to stand next to the President of US.

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I didn't watch. Biden was ever going to be fantastic. He isn't awesome at public speaking much less debating. Debating is such an antiquated method of deciding who is better. I like well researched policy statements.

I just wish Trump's lies would be confronted within the same measure of senility. Because there is the mumbling senility and then there is the belligerent type.

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When Biden took the bait on who’s the better golfer, I went to bed. Maybe in the second debate, they can flop their wrinkled penises out and David Muir can measure them on live television.

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of all the things I never wanted to think about.... thanks a lot..

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“Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?”.

Chico Marx

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I’m curious to see if the poll numbers significantly drop for Biden. I figure there are now serious conversations, but if they did convince Biden to drop out, then the Democrats better have a good replacement with everyone on board.

I would suggest James Trafficant for a felon vs. felon campaign, but he passed away. I’m sure the Democrats have another felon to nominate.

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Two movies on one screen. Interesting seeing the comments only on Trump lying. Good grief, both candidates lied and distorted. For those who didn't think Biden lied, reconcile the Border Patrol Union tweeting they don't and would never support Biden. Or how about the whopper of all whoppers, the lie that divided America and the reason Biden ran for President: the Charlottesville "very fine people" hoax. Many experienced and are still experiencing the mental discomfort caused by cognitive dissonance when they learned for themselves that they have been lied to about the extent of our President's cognitive decline. Even the "he had a bad night" argument or "he had a cold" doesn't sell. Our President should never have a bad night like that...ever.

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The 'very fine people' statement is no hoax. Trump said it. "You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."

And Biden corrected himself immediately on the Border Patrol, making clear that they endorsed the immigration bill, not him. "Significantly – by the way, the Border Patrol men endorsed me, endorsed my position," is what Biden said.

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Also, I'll grant you Biden clarified his position. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Now, grant me that Trump said in the same press conference that he clarified that he was not talking about neo-Nazis and white nationalists. He said they should be "condemned totally."

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Good grief, Jamie. Even Snopes has recently debunked the story that Trump was talking about neo-Nazis and white nationalists when he was talking about the fine people on both sides. Trump was talking about the people on both sides of the statue issue.

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And who was marching in Charlottesville for one side?

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

There were the “very fine people” on both sides of the statue issue — for taking down RE Lee’s statue and for leaving it be. Then there were the white nationalists and the neo-Nazis marching. These were the people Trump specifically said and directly clarified that these people, meaning the neo-Nazis and white nationalists, should be ”condemned totally.” The media edited out the “condemned totally” part. But anyone who watches the full video, will see and hear it. The “drinking bleach” hoax was also media concocted. Trump never used the word “bleach” or suggested it. He was referring to injecting light as a disinfectant might be a treatment for covid per some research being performed. Easy filter test for what you hear on the news: No President would ever describe neo-Nazis and such ilk as “fine people” nor would they suggest drinking bleach. Just use your own BS detector when someone says someone said or did something fantastical — it almost always untrue.

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Last night America experienced another "Have you no sense of decency?" moment.

The sad truth of Joe Biden's defense of democracy was made clear in that so-called debate.

America watched helplessly as President Biden stood proud but helpless in the ROPE-A-DOPE, GISH GALLOP of Donald Trump.

Our history has been two steps forward, one step back.

Last night we watched another back-step.

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