House Democrats press Pelosi for Trump impeachment
Top three Congressional security officials resign after Capitol attack
Pelosi speaks today with Democrats who want a new Trump impeachment vote. Heads are rolling over this week’s unbelievable Capitol security breach. Should Congress really leave town for ten days? This is "Regular Order" for January 8, 2021.
SECOND TRUMP IMPEACHMENT? Outraged over Wednesday's violent attack on the Capitol by supporters of President Trump, many Democrats are calling for another impeachment vote against the President before his term ends on January 20. Speaker Nancy Pelosi admitted that her phone was blowing up with 'impeach, impeach, impeach.’ Pelosi will talk with Democrats Friday afternoon about what’s next.
IMPEACH IMPEACH IMPEACH. A quick stroll through the Twitter accounts of Democrats shows the desire to act after the Capitol attack. "We must reconvene to proceed with articles of impeachment immediately," said Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY). "We need impeachment," said Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN), one of the more conservative Democrats in Congress. "Sign me up," said Rep. Marie Newman (D-IL).
HEADS ROLL OVER ATTACK. A day after the Capitol attack, the top two officials primarily responsible for security at the Capitol - the House and Senate Sergeants At Arms - were both forced to resign. And the U.S. Capitol Police Chief submitted his resignation - but only after Speaker Pelosi publicly called for his ouster. 24 hours after the attack in fact, Pelosi said she still hadn’t spoken to the chief.
CAPITOL SECURITY WTF? For those of us who have been on Capitol Hill for years, we all know the daily hurdles involving security. It’s just part of working at the U.S. Capitol. That's why this breach involving Trump supporters was so shocking. People pouring into the building, destroying historic areas and entering offices with no police in sight. It was mind boggling to see the pro-Trump mob ransack the Capitol. "They could have killed us all," said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

THEY LIED. THEY DECEIVED. One of the driving issues for Trump supporters who attacked the Capitol is President Trump’s charge that he was the victim of election fraud - even though there’s never been any hard evidence. Now some in the GOP are saying the Emperor has no clothes. "We got to this point because a number of folks, a number of politicians, a number of my fellow Republicans told things they knew were lies," said Rep. Peter Meijer (R-MI). "They told people there was a stolen election...they lied, they deceived."
THIS NEEDS TO END. Even Sen. Lindsey Graham - who made a number of over-the-top charges himself about election fraud - admitted on Thursday that Republicans and President Trump were lying to their supporters.
Graham said the Trump Campaign team made fraud accusations 'without sufficient proof.' "They have been more of the problem than the solution.”
"They claimed 66,000 people voted in Georgia under age 18," Graham told reporters. "I have not found one person."
"They have claimed that 8,000 felons voted from prison in Arizona. I've asked for a list of names and received none."
"This needs to end," Graham said at a news conference.
12 DAYS LEFT. The current Congressional schedule has most lawmakers at home until January 19. But a number of Democrats say leaving town now would create a major power vacuum in Washington, as they worry about what President Trump might do before he leaves office. "We are the only branch of the government that can provide leadership for the country right now," said Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ).
SENATE CONFIRMATION HEARINGS. Usually, the next 12 days would also be a time for the U.S. Senate to hold hearings on major Cabinet choices of a new President, so they can be confirmed by Senators on Inauguration Day. But not in 2021. Senators will hold a confirmation hearing on January 19 for Joe Biden's nominee for Defense Secretary. It’s unclear if any others will be scheduled.
SPEAKING OF BIDEN. In the aftermath of the U.S. Capitol attack, Democrats immediately noted the much quieter approach by law enforcement in dealing with Trump supporters, compared to the very strong reaction from police and national guard units monitoring the Black Lives Matter protests last summer. That comparison was amplified Thursday in remarks by President-Elect Joe Biden.

LOEFFLER CONCEDES IN GEORGIA. Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) has conceded defeat in her special election runoff, trailing Democrat Raphael Warnock by almost 80,000 votes as of Thursday night. Warnock will fill out the final two years of the term of ex-Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA), and will be up for election again in 2022.
IT’S FIVE O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE. 103 years ago today, on January 8, 1918, Mississippi became the first state to ratify the 18th Amendment, to ban the "manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors" in the United States - what we refer to as "Prohibition." The amendment lasted for only 15 years, and was repealed by the 21st Amendment. I always remember the prohibition amendments with, ‘You are not allowed to drink at age 18, but you can at 21.’
House meets on Monday.
Senate meets at 10 am in a pro forma session.
President Trump is in Washington.
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“Conference reports may be brought up at any time. Any further program will be announced later.”
Is this where I comment about how lame Lindsey Graham is? He's wringing his hands about the violence now, when at several points over the past few months he could have stood up to the madness.
How do we understand "House serious re impeachment" with adjourning the House until the 19th? Political theater? If this were remotely serious shouldn't they still be there?